Kühne, Wilhelm Friedrich
Hamburg, Germany
Heidelberg, Germany
10.06.1900 |
Degrees: |
Ph.D. (1856) |
Career: |
1854 studies of chemistry under Wöhler, of anatomy under Henle, and of neurohistology under R. Wagner at the University of Göttingen; 1856 Ph.D. with a thesis on induced diabetes in frogs; some time at the University of Jena, where he worked with Carl Gustav Lehmann; 1858 collaboration with Emil Du Bois-Reymond and with Felix Hoppe-Seylerin Berlin; 1860 some time in Vienna where he worked with Ernst Brücke and Carl Ludwig; 1861 assistant at the chemical department of Virchow's institute; 1862 honorary M.D. from the University of Jena; 1868 move from Berlin to take over the chair of physiology at Amsterdam; Gustav Schwalbe and Thomas Lauder-Brunton became his collaborators; 1871 chair of physiology at the Physiological Institute, University of Heidelberg in succession to Helmholtz; 1875 new building for the institute of physiology built on his inititative; 1899 retirement. |
Selected works: |
Kühne, Willy. 1899. Über Ethik und Naturwissenschaft in der Medizin: Ein Auszug aus der Geschichte der Medizin. Braunschweig: J. H. Meyer
Kühne, Willy. 1860. Myologische Untersuchungen. Leipzig: Veit
Kühne, Willy. 1862. Über die peripherischen Endorgane der motorischen Nerven. Leipzig
Kühne, Willy. 1864. Untersuchungen über das Protoplasma und die Contractilität. Leipzig: Engelmann
Untersuchungen aus dem Physiologischen Institute der Universität Heidelberg (1880 - 1882) |
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Sources: |
Schmidt ; DSB |
Related: |
ISSN 1866-4784: reference -