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Apparatus for the photographic registration of the heard sound as well as the venous and aterial pulse according to R. Ohm.

Apparatur zur photographischen Registrierung des Herzschalls sowie Venen- und Arterienpulses nach R. Ohm.

  Source   Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 43: Über Blutdruckapparate. Leipzig, Berlin view the source
  Related Literature  
  Description   Apparatus for the photographic registration of the heard sound as well as the venous and aterial pulse according to R. Ohm.
The apparatus serves for the detailed examination on the pumping performance of the heart, so that the finest variation of the normal performance of the heart is indicated objectively. Besides from this exactly examination of the heart performance the method permits the objective recording of recently descovered tension power (tonus) of the heart, that is produced by pumping, and its interference factors.
The following literature descriptions describe the method in detailes:
1. Rainhardt Ohm, venous pulse - and heart sound registration as a base for the determination of the mechanical performance of the heart. Verlag: Berlin NW., Unter den Linden 68.
2. Special pathology and therapy of inner illnesses. Editorial: Geh. Med.-Rat Prof. Dr. Fr. Kraus und Prof. Dr. Theod. Brugsch. Band: Insufficienz des Kreislaufapparates. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin.
3. The demonstration of the curves of the jugular veneous pulse by performance and filling of the heart with normal and pathological circumstances.
Zeitschr. f. klinische Medizin 1922; 94. year, 1-3.
4. The spasm of the heart, demonstration of evidance and its clinical meaning. Klin. Wochenschrift 1922; 1. year, n°. 38.
5. The action tonus of the heart and its clinical meaning. Klin. Wochenschrift 1922; 1. year, n°. 46.
6. Objective function proof of the performance of the heart and the performed tension power (action tonus). Medizin. Klinik 1923; n°. 41.
The apparatus consists of the following parts:
1. Wooden table with optical bench (a)
2. Photographical kymatograph (b)
3. Tripod with moveable rods (c) and auxiliary equipment (d) with receptor, venous pulse recorder (e), arterial pulse recorder (f), glass plate for the adjustment of the light ray (g).
4. special bed (h).
Four jockeys of the optical bench are carrying the bow lamp, the adjustable cranck, the collecting lens and the time pendulum.
The kymographon for continuous paper is adjusted for paper up to a width of 20 cm. The on- and off-switching is done by a lever at the top of teh apparatus. After recording the paper may be cut off by an installed pair of scissors.
The tripod is very stabile carring on its top the multifold adjustable venous pulse recorder with the very fine axis for the small mirror. The before mentioned apparatuses are positioned in teh center, they are all fine adjustable by several micrometer screws.
The special bed is constructed in such a manner that the neck of the patient lies competely exposed.
Please note your voltage with your order.
Total weight ca. kg 100,000.
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