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Institute of Physiology, University of Concepción,1928

Source: Lipschütz, Alexander. 1928. Institute of Physiology, University of Conception, Chile. Methods and Problems of Medical Education, no. 10: 167-175 view the source
spacerTopics respiration
physiology (exp., animal, comp.); physiological chemistry; histology; chemistry
spacer Technology
spacer- Instruments Zeiss apparatus for episcopic, diascopic and microscopic projection
Zeiss-Ernemann apparatus for cinematographic projection
collection of mural plates
vacuum sterilizer of Schaerer
spacerObjects birds
guinea pigs
spacer People
spacer- Head Prof. Alexander Lipschütz
spacer- Assistants two young assistants (students)
spacer- Architects
spacer- Others a laboratory technician
a caretaker
two servants
a boy
Experiments: not yet available
Associated Journals: -Pflüger's Archiv
-Ergebnisse der Physiologie
-Biochemische Zeitschrift
-Zeitschrift für physiologische Chemie
-Archiv für Physiologie
-skandinavisches Archiv für Physiologie
-Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen
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Further Descriptions:
ISSN 1866-4784: reference - xlink