Pettenkofer, Max Josef von
Lichtenheim, Germany
Munich, Germany
10.02.1901 |
Degrees: |
Career: |
Two years of studies of philosophy and natural sciences at the University of Munich; apprenticeship at the court pharmacy of Ludwig I of Bavaria; assistant at Munich; abandonment of his post and taking of minor parts at the Augsburg theater under the pseudonym "Tenkof"; leave of the stage; 1841 resumption of his university studies; June 1843 state qualifying examinations for pharmacist and physician; doctoral dissertation entitled Ueber Mikania Guaco; 1843-44 at the University of Würzburg under Josef Scherer and at Giessen; Unemployment and turn to poetry which was published over forty years later as Chemische Sonette; 1845 assistant at the Royal Mint; 1847 extraordinary professor of medical chemistry at Munich; 1849 nomination to the Chief Medical Commission; 1850 part-time director of the royal pharmacy; 1852 ordinary professor of medical chemistry; 1865 ordinary professor of hygiene, university rector at Munich and foundation of the Zeitschrift für Biologie with Voit and two associates; 1878 honorary president of the second International Congress of Hygiene and Demography in Paris; 1879 first Institute of Hygiene opened under his direction; 1883 foundation of the Archiv für Hygiene with two colleagues; 1883 hereditary nobility granted; 1896 title Exzellenz; Munich and Leipzig created the Pettenkofer Foundation for his seventieth birthday and many German and foreign honors were bestowed upon him; 1894 professor emeritus; resignation of his editorial duties and retirement from the court pharmacy. |
Selected works: |
Pettenkofer, Max von. 1869. Boden und Grundwasser in ihren Beziehungen zu Cholera und Typhus. Zeitschrift für Biologie 5,2: 171-310
Pettenkofer, Max von. 1873. Über den Werth der Gesundheit für eine Stadt: Zwei populäre Vorlesungen. Braunschweig: Vieweg
Pettenkofer, Max von. 1848. Ueber Chemie in ihrem Verhältnisse zur Physiologie und Pathologie. München
Pettenkofer, Max von. 1844. Notiz über eine neue Reaction auf Galle und Zucker. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie 52: 90-96
Pettenkofer, Max von. 1862-63. Ueber die Respiration. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, Supplement 2: 1-52 |
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Sources: |
Some founders ; DSB |
Related: |
ISSN 1866-4784: reference -