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Apparatus for the temporal delay of simultaneous attention stimulations. (Lehmann, Körp. Äußg. II. 272). A motor driven axis has two oppositionally adjustable pointers Z, of which the one in the front rotates in front of a scale C, that covers the other parts of the apparatus. By the rotation of the second pointer a mercury contact T is completed, so that the axis is braked electromagnetically by B and the pointer lies still. At the same time a clock signal rings, that is connected to the electrical circuit and can be adjusted by the adequate tension of the spring and the arresting magnet in such a modus that the both strokes seem to be one. A supplement between armature and arresting magnet E prevents the braking effect of the axis and the pointer is rotating meanwhile the clock rings. The obsever (candidate) estimates the position of the pointer in relation to the stroke of the clock. Instead of this a pressure stimulation would serve as well. 3,500 kg. (Apparat zur zeitlichen Verschiebung gleichzeitiger Reizung bei der Aufmerkamkeit. (Lehmann, Körp. Äußg. II. 272)) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0013, fig. 670)

Optical stimulating apparatus according to Alber (Arch. f. Psych, XXX,2), that permits to uncover a number of cards with colors, letters and words suddenly in a certain order with an electric registration of the stimulating moment. The stimulating cards are arranged one after the other into a collection box and pushed against the opening of the front plate by a spring . By moving the backwards lever the foremost visible card is moved away and a contact is desengaged, that is connected to the chronoscope by the known operation. 3,800 kg. (Optischer Reizapparat nach Alber (Arch. f. Psych. XXX,2)) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0014, fig. 730)

Card changer according to N. Ach. For the operation of the apparatus two levers set the receiver plate as well a the closing shifter in a downward motion by pressure and cover the stimulating card until the closing shifter tosses upwards quickly by a small pull on the sidewards lever and uncovers the stimulating word. In this process a contact indicating the chronoscope time keeps closed as long as the object is visible. The exponed cards slide over an inclined plane to the backside. The size of the stimulating word is 75x18mm; 3,200 kg. (Kartenwechsler nach N. Ach) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0014, fig. 734)

Card changer according to Minnemann with a simple mechanism to show great numbers of cards. Their feed motion is not performed by a spring with changing tension but by a weight G, of which the flexible suspension is sliding over rolls being fixed on a clip B. The cards are exchanged by a pressure on the releasing device D, which effects a switch lever, that covers optionally long fields as well as it uncovers word pictures in fast order. The movement of the switch lever serves at the same time to close a electric circuit to determine the time of the exposition; 3,400 kg. (Kartenwechsler nach Minnemann) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0015, fig. 740)

Exposition apparatus according to Hackländer. Pressing one of the buttons H a card with stimulating words appears on the top of the box etc. In this case the card tightens a fine wire, that closes the contact C, so that the time of exposition can be determined; 4,000 kg. (Apparat zur Exposition nach Hackländer) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0015, fig. 741)

Calculating apparatus according to Minnemann, that serves for presenting simple tasks. The numbers and signs are engraved on the periphery of rolls and can be changed in optional order by one adjustment only. (Rechenapparat nach Minnemann. Dient zur Darbietung einfacher Aufgaben, die Zahlen und Zeichen sind auf dem Umfang von Rollen graviert und können durch eine Einstellung in willkürlicher Folge gewechselt werden.) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0016, fig. 742)

Apparatus for examinations into perception, association and memory according to Ranschburg (mnemometer). The apparatus permits even without complicated time measuring apparatuses exact tests of the mesurement of the perception abilities of syllables, colors, numbers, optical stimulations etc. Moreover it enables simple and exact memory tests according to Ebbinghaus, Müller and Pilzecker and memory examinations according to Ranschburg with the determination of the capacity, security and duration of the reproduction of the memory. The in 60 fields devided stimulating card is visible in the diaphragm D and is moved in jumps by an electric magnet. The duration of the presentation varies by a metronome and a switch between 1/4 to 3 seconds. The stimulation can be continued optionally by pressing the button and it can be counted by the pendulum strokes. Connected to the chronoscope circuit the mnemometer serves also for the determination of the duration of reproduction as well as an optical apparatus with automatic presentation of the stimulations for every kind of time measurement tests. A more detailed description in: Mtsft. f. Pschatrie und Neurologie, vol. X, issue 5: Complete with spring interruptor, metronome, button and conduit. (Apparat zur Untersuchung der Auffassung, Assoziation und des Gedächtnisses nach Ranschburg (Mnemometer). [...] Ausführliche Beschreibung in Mtsft. f. Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Bd. X, Heft 5.) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0017, fig. 750a)

Chronoscope according to Hipp (Chronoskop nach Hipp) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0031, fig. 1261)

Apparatus for examinations into perception, association and memory according to Ranschburg (mnemometer). The apparatus permits even without complicated time measuring apparatuses exact tests of the mesurement of the perception abilities of syllables, colors, numbers, optical stimulations etc. Moreover it enables simple and exact memory tests according to Ebbinghaus, Müller and Pilzecker and memory examinations according to Ranschburg with the determination of the capacity, security and duration of the reproduction of the memory. The in 60 fields devided stimulating card is visible in the diaphragm D and is moved in jumps by an electric magnet. The duration of the presentation varies by a metronome and a switch between 1/4 to 3 seconds. The stimulation can be continued optionally by pressing the button and it can be counted by the pendulum strokes. Connected to the chronoscope circuit the mnemometer serves also for the determination of the duration of reproduction as well as an optical apparatus with automatic presentation of the stimulations for every kind of time measurement tests. A more detailed description in: Mtsft. f. Pschatrie und Neurologie, vol. X, issue 5: Complete with spring interruptor, metronome, button and conduit: 3,600 kg. (Apparat zur Untersuchung der Auffassung, Assoziation und des Gedächtnisses nach Ranschburg (Mnemometer). [...] Ausführliche Beschreibung in Mtsft. f. Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Bd. X, Heft 5.) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0017, fig. 750b)

Dynamometer according to Andrew for to pull. It also serves as a simple dynamometer; 0,240 kg. (Dynamometer nach Andrew zum Ziehen. Auch als einfacher Dynamometer verwendbar; kg 0,240.) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0023, fig. 1074)

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