Donders, Franciscus Cornelius (Frans Cornelis)
Tilburg, Netherlands
Utrecht, Netherlands
24.03.1889 |
[Image Source]
Degrees: |
M.D. from Leiden University, 1840 |
Career: |
1835-1839 student at the military medical school in Utrecht; enrollment in the medical faculty of Utrecht University; 1840 appointment as health officer with the garrison in Vlissingen and doctoral examination in medicine at Leiden; 13 October 1840 M.D. from Leiden University; August 1841 medical officer at The Hague; appointed docent in physiology and anatomy at Utrecht military medical school; September 1842 return to the University of Utrecht and cooperation with Gerrit Jan Mulder in histological and histochemical research; editor of the Nederlandsch Lancet; appointed extraordinary professor at the University of Utrecht; 1852 appointment as ordinary professor at Utrecht; opening of a polyclinic and in 1858 opening of a hospital which also functioned as an independent educational institution, where he was director until 1883; from 1860 onward cooperation with the mechanic D. B. Kagenaar; 1862 professorship in physiology with the promise of a new laboratory which opened in 1866; retirement in 1888. |
Selected works: |
Donders, Franciscus C. 1864. On the anomalies of accomodation and refraction of the eye: With a Preliminary Essay on Physiological Dioptrics. London: The New Sydenham Society
Donders, Franciscus C. en A. F. Bauduin. 1851-1853. Handleiding tot de natuurkunde van den gezonden mensch. Utrecht, Amsterdam
Donders, Franciscus C. 1852. De voedingsbeginselen: Grondslagen eener algemeene voedingsleer. Tiel
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Sources: |
Zusne ; DSB ; Image: University Museum Utrecht, Archive - Box 1131 |
Related: |
ISSN 1866-4784: reference -