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Freud, Sigmund

Pribor, Czech Republic

London, UK

Degrees: M.D., University of Vienna, 1881
Career: 1873 studies of medicine at the University of Vienna; 1881 medical degree from the University of Vienna; 1876-1882 biological research in Brücke's Physiological Institute; 1882-1885 work in various clinical departments of the Vienna General Hospital; four months of studies with J. M. Charcot in Paris; from 1886 onward private practice as a neuropathologist; head of the department of neurology at Kassowitz's Children's Clinic; lectures on neuropathology and on psychoanalysis at the University of Vienna but no chaired appointment; collaboration with J. Breuer; from 1893-1900 regular correspondence with W. Fliess; from 1902 onward meetings of the psychonanalytic movement at Freud's house from which resulted the establishment of the International Psychoanalytic Association at Nuremberg in 1910 (including Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and Sándor Ferenczi); June 1938 emigration to London.
Selected works: Freud, Sigmund und Josef Breuer. 1895. Studien über Hysterie. Leipzig [u.a.]: Deuticke Freud, Sigmund. 1891. Zur Auffassung der Aphasien: Eine kritische Studie. Leipzig: Deuticke Freud, Sigmund. 1901. Über den Traum. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann Freud, Sigmund. 1905. Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie. Leipzig: Deuticke Freud, Sigmund. 1923. Das Ich und das Es. Leipzig: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag
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Sources: Zusne ; DSB
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