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Skramlik, Emil von

Prague, Czech Republic

Berlin, Germany

Degrees: Dr. med., Charles-Ferdinand University of Prague, 1911; Habilitation, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, 1920
Career: 1904-1908 medical studies at the german University of Prague; 3 semesters at the University of Munich; 1911 after passed medical examinations and graduation in Prague, work as assistant at the Physiological Institute in Munich; 1913 change to the University of Freiburg, where he worked at the Physiological Institute as an assistant of Johannes von Kries; 1914 volunteer at the Austro-Hungarian army; 1920 qualification as an university lecturer with the paper Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen recht- und rückläufiger Erregungsleitung beim Froschherzen; 1927 calling to the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena; summer stays at the Zoological Station in Naples, where he studied the effects of tobacco on the human and animal organism; 1941 full professor and head of the physiological department of the Tobacco Research Institute in Jena; 1946 dean of the medical faculty at the University of Jena; 1951-1953 full professor at the Humboldt University Berlin.
Selected works: Skramlik, Emil von. 1926. Handbuch der Physiologie der niederen Sinne. Leipzig: Thieme Skramlik, Emil von. 1932. Herzmuskel und Extrareize. Jena: Fischer Skramlik, Emil von. 1937. Psychophysiologie der Tastsinne. 2 Vols. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft
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Sources: Drews, Heiko. 2005. Leben und Werk des Physiologen Emil Ritter von Skramlik. Med. Diss., Charité Berlin
Related: Educational films by Emil von Skramlik:
- Die Tätigkeitsweise des Froschmagens
[Hochschulfilm-Nr. C 259]
- Vorgänge im Kreislaufsystem von Amphioxus lanceolatus Y
[Hochschulfilm-Nr. C 267]
- Tierische "Hypnose"
[Hochschulfilm-Nr. C 547]
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