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Ackermann, Jakob

Makofen, Germany

Bad Kissingen, Germany

Degrees: Dr. Ing. h.c., Munich, 1922
Career: 1901 leasholder of the manor Irlbach; 1903 successful breeding of barley; 1905 begins to breed wheat; 1908 leasholder of Bischofshof in Hermannsdorf; 1918 begins to breed winter-barley; 1921 begins to breed potatoe seeds; 1927 founding and shareholding of IG Pflanzenzucht in Munich; co-founder of the Club bayerischer Landwirte and of the Bayerischen Saatgutverein; 1922 Dr. Ing. h.c. at the Technische Hochschule (Insitute of Technology) in Munich.
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Sources: Röbbelen, Gerhard. 2002. Biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte der Pflanzenzüchtung. 2. Folge. Göttingen: Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung
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