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Lotze, Hermann Rudolph

Bautzen, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Degrees: Ph.D. in philosophy, March 1838; M.D., July 1838
Career: 1834 studies of philosophy and natural science at the University of Leipzig under E. H. Weber, A. W. Volkmann and Fechner; 1838 Ph.D. in philosophy with a work on Descartes and Leibniz; 1838 M.D. with the dissertation De futuris biologiae principiis philosophicis; 1838-39 medical practice in Zittau; 1839 lecturer in medicine, 1840 in philosophy at Leipzig; 1843 assistant professor of philosophy in Leipzig; 1844-1881 full professor in philosophy in Göttingen in succession to Herbart; 1881 chair of philosophy at Berlin.
Selected works: Lotze, Hermann Rudolph. 1841. Metaphysik. Leipzig Lotze, Hermann Rudolph. 1842. Allgemeine Pathologie und Therapie als mechanische Naturwissenschaften. Leipzig Lotze, Hermann Rudolph. 1851. Allgemeine Physiologie des körperlichen Lebens. Leipzig Lotze, Hermann Rudolph. 1852. Medizinische Psychologie oder Physiologie der Seele. Leipzig Lotze, Hermann Rudolph. 1856-1864. Mikrokosmus. Ideen zur Naturgeschichte und Geschichte der Menschheit. Versuch einer Anthropologie. Leipzig
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