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Verworn, Max Richard Konstantin - continued...

In 1902, Verworn founded the Journal for General Physiology [Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Physiologie]. Until his death, he was editor of that journal. In the period after the turn of the century, Verworn got interested more and more not only in the cellular-physiological foundations of human thought (association, memory, etc.), but also in the ontogenesis and phylogenesis of human creativity. Thus, he was involved in the excavation of skeleton parts and tools of the stone-age humans in Oberkassel (near Bonn). Shortly later, he conducted drawing experiments in school children showing that between children drawings and paleolethical drawings hardly any similarities exist. As in his physiological work, Verworn's anthropological and cultural historical studies implied that the initial in development was at the same time the systematic elementary and general. In this sense. His chemico-physically based "psycho-monism" aimed at a comprehensive theory of all phenomena of life.

Reference: Schmidgen, Henning. 2004. Max Verworn. The Virtual Laboratory (ISSN 1866-4784),