Pneumograph or exploration device for respiratory movements.
(Pneumographe ou explorateur des mouvements respiratoires.)
1876 |
taken from: Marey, E. J. 1876. La méthode graphique dans les sciences expérimentales.
(p. 0149, fig. 77) |
New pneumograph according to Marey
(Neuer Pneumograph von Marey)
1891 |
taken from: Langendorff, Oskar. 1891. Physiologische Graphik: Ein Leitfaden der in der Physiologie gebräuchlichen Registrirmethoden.
(p. 0252, fig. 207) |
Elder version of a pneumograph according to Marey, modified by Bert
(Älterer Pneumograph von Marey: Modification von Bert)
1891 |
taken from: Langendorff, Oskar. 1891. Physiologische Graphik: Ein Leitfaden der in der Physiologie gebräuchlichen Registrirmethoden.
(p. 0252, fig. 206) |
(Pneumograph. (Marey.))
1898 |
taken from: MacDonald, Arthur. 1898. Chapter V: Psycho-physical and Anthropometrical Instruments of Precision in the Laboratory of the Bureau of Education.
(p. 1153, fig. 19) |
(Pneumograph. (Verdin.))
1898 |
taken from: MacDonald, Arthur. 1898. Chapter V: Psycho-physical and Anthropometrical Instruments of Precision in the Laboratory of the Bureau of Education.
(p. 1154, fig. 21) |
[Pneumograph curve]
([Pneumograph curve])
1898 |
taken from: MacDonald, Arthur. 1898. Chapter V: Psycho-physical and Anthropometrical Instruments of Precision in the Laboratory of the Bureau of Education.
(p. 1153, fig. 20) |
(Pneumograph nach Marey. (Lgdff., Phys.Gr. 232.))
1903 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1903. XVIII. Preis-Liste über psychologische und physiologische Apparate.
(p. 0093, fig. 330) |
Pneumograph according to Dr L. Hofbauer
(Pneumograph nach Dr. L. Hofbauer)
1906 |
taken from: Castagna, Ludwig. 1906. Spezial-Prospekt Physiologisch-graphischer Apparate.
(p. 0010, fig. 19) |
(Pneumograph. Das Instrument dient dazu, Athem-Kurven aufzunehmen, indem es die Erweiterung oder Verengung des Brustumfanges durch Luftübertragung einem Marey'schen Schreiber übermittelt.)
1908 |
taken from: Spindler & Hoyer. 1908. Apparate für psychologische Untersuchungen. Preisliste XXI.
(p. 0181, fig. 235) |
(Pneumograph nach Lehmann. (Vergl. dessen: Körperl. Äussg. psych. Zust. 8.))
1912 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1912. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate. Liste 25.
(p. 0188, fig. 3011) |
(Pneumograph nach Marey. (Lgdff., 252))
1912 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1912. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate. Liste 25.
(p. 0188, fig. 3010) |
(Pneumograph. Das Instrument dient dazu, Atem-Kurven aufzunehmen, indem es die Erweiterung oder Verengung des Brustumfanges durch Luftübertragung einem Marey'schen Schreiber übermittelt.)
1921 |
taken from: Spindler & Hoyer. 1921. Apparate für psychologische Untersuchungen, Katalog XXI.
(p. 0146, fig. 235) |
Pneumograph according Lehmann (compare: Körperl. Äussg. psych. Zust. 8.). The metalic hollow capsule of the apparatus is closed by two rubber membranes. Tube points are leading to the hollow space behind the membranes and between the membranes. With the operation of the apparatus air is sucked from the back chamber, during that process air streams through the second tube point between the membranes. If the inlet is closed, the air cushion mediates between the pressure in the pan and the corresponding recording lever. The apparatus is fixed with strings or may be worn under the cloth for the registration of the abdominal respiration. 0,120 kg.
(Pneumograph nach Lehmann. (Vergl. dessen: Körperl. Äussg. psych. Zust. 8.))
1922 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 43: Über Blutdruckapparate.
(p. 0017, fig. 3011) |
Pneumograph according to Marey. (Lgdff., 252.). The strips b b around the chest are pulling at the hinged levers a' and also the membrane of the air capsule by the connection of a joint lever. At the expiration the spring plate guarantees the reset into the original position. The capsule may be taken out comfortably. 0,160 kg.
(Pneumograph nach Marey. (Lgdff., 252.))
1922 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 43: Über Blutdruckapparate.
(p. 0017, fig. 3010) |
Registrator with recorder for pulse, respiration etc.
Sph = sphygmograph n° 2951, page12; kg 0,120
A = armrest-tripod n° 2960, page12; kg 2,100
P = pneumograph n° 3011, page 17; kg 0,120
zero pressure valve n° 2985, page16; kg 0,010
K = cardiograph n° 2979, page 16; kg 0,300
C = carotid capsule n° 2996, page 16; kg 0,015
Z = simple time mark n° 1853, list 41; kg 0,160
T = Marey's tambour n° 3752, list 45; kg 0,120
registrator n° 2505, list 42; kg 7,100
St = tripod n° 2511, list 42; kg 0,360
Complete weight: kg 10,405
(Registrierapparat mit Aufnahmeapparaten für Puls, Atmung usw.)
1922 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 43: Über Blutdruckapparate.
(p. 0003, fig. 2505a) |
Portable registrator without drum, same model as the one described before, but with accessory apparatuses in an etwee:
1. sphygmograph n° 2951
2. cardiograph n° 2977
3. carotid capsule n° 2995
4. pneumograph n° 3012
5. three zero pressure valves n° 2985, and a 3,6 m patent tube 4:8mm
The apparatus with its compendious form serves for mountain climbing at high altitudes, voyages etc.; 4,000 kg.
(Reise-Registrierapparat ohne Trommel, in gleicher Ausführung wie vorher beschrieben, jedoch mit in das Etui passenden Aufnahmeapparaten)
1922 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 43: Über Blutdruckapparate.
(p. 0005, fig. 2851) |
Pneumograph according to Lehmann (compare his: phys. ex. psych. const. 8).
(Pneumograph nach Lehmann. (Vgl. dessen: Körperl. Äussg. psych. Zust. 8.))
1923 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik.
(p. 0053, fig. 3011) |
Pneumograph according to Lehmann
(Pneumograph nach Lehmann)
1928 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1928. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate: Liste 50.
(p. 0244, fig. 3011) |
Pneumographs or spirometers for registering respiratory curves
(Pneumograph nach Marey)
1928 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1928. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate: Liste 50.
(p. 0244, fig. 3010) |
(Pneumograph, Sumner's)
1930 |
taken from: Stoelting, C. H. 1930. Apparatus, Tests and Supplies for Psychology, Psychometry, Psychotechnology, Psychiatry, Neurology, Anthropology, Phonetics, Physiology, and Pharmacology.
(p. 0212, fig. 57111) |
(Pneumograph, Verdin's)
1930 |
taken from: Stoelting, C. H. 1930. Apparatus, Tests and Supplies for Psychology, Psychometry, Psychotechnology, Psychiatry, Neurology, Anthropology, Phonetics, Physiology, and Pharmacology.
(p. 0212, fig. 57115) |
(Pneumograph, Marey's)
1930 |
taken from: Stoelting, C. H. 1930. Apparatus, Tests and Supplies for Psychology, Psychometry, Psychotechnology, Psychiatry, Neurology, Anthropology, Phonetics, Physiology, and Pharmacology.
(p. 0212, fig. 57117) |
(Stethograph or Pneumograph)
1934 |
taken from: Palmer, C. F. 1934. Palmer Research and Students' Apparatus for Physiology, Pharmacology, Psychology, Bacteriology, Phonetics, Botany, etc.: Manufactured by C. F. Palmer (London) Ltd., Myographic Works, 63a, Effra Road, Brixton, London, S.W. 2. England.
(p. 0074, fig. e7) |
(Sphygmo-Pneumograph, Brachialis-Pulswellenschreiber mit Atmungsschreiber auf 20 m langen, fertig berußtem Papier, komplett in elegantem Etui.)
1937 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1937. Wissenschaftliche Apparate, Liste 200.
(p. 0055, fig. 29500) |
(Aufzeichnugen von Sphygmo-Pneumograph und Polyograph.)
1937 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1937. Wissenschaftliche Apparate, Liste 200.
(p. 0055, fig. 29500_05) |
(Aufzeichnugen von Sphygmo-Pneumograph und Polyograph.)
1937 |
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1937. Wissenschaftliche Apparate, Liste 200.
(p. 0055, fig. 29500_05b) |
Pneumograph according to Marey, complete with etwee
(Pneumograph nach Marey komplett mit Etui)
n. d. |
taken from: Jaquet, James. n. d. Jaquet Apparatus: Catalogue 503.
(p. 0030, fig. 42) |