Image Database: Search Results
Displaying records 11 thru 20 of 233 records found.
(Searching instruments: "lit19206" ; Sorted by Year.)
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(Vacuum tube, according to Crookes) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0033, fig. 1)

(Röntgen tube) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0035, fig. 10)

(Mercury arc lamp, according to Lummer-Straubel) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0035, fig. 14)

(Apparatus for the vaoriation of ice without platinum wire, according to Weinhold) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0036, fig. 20)

(Standard of Induction) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0041, fig. 3)

(Moving Coil Reflecting Galvanometer) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0044, fig. 6)

(Standard Astatic Electordynamometer) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0048, fig. 8)

(Moving Coil Standard Millivoltmeter) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0054, fig. 14)

(Thermogalvanometer) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0059, fig. 20)

(Compass Repetition Theodolite) 1904
taken from: Anonymous. 1904. Scientific Instruments. (p. 0192, fig. 5)

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