Image Database: Search Results
Displaying records 11 thru 13 of 13 records found.
(Searching instruments: "lit13693" ; Sorted by Year.)
(Memory apparatus) 1894
taken from: Anonymous. 1894. List of Apparatus for the Psychological Laboratory, Designed by Joseph Jastrow, Ph.D., Professor of Experimental and Comparative Psychology in the University of Wisconsin, Made by the Garden City Model Works, 124 Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. (p. 0004, fig. 13)

(Complex key) 1894
taken from: Anonymous. 1894. List of Apparatus for the Psychological Laboratory, Designed by Joseph Jastrow, Ph.D., Professor of Experimental and Comparative Psychology in the University of Wisconsin, Made by the Garden City Model Works, 124 Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. (p. 0003, fig. 8b)

(Aesthesiometer) 1894
taken from: Anonymous. 1894. List of Apparatus for the Psychological Laboratory, Designed by Joseph Jastrow, Ph.D., Professor of Experimental and Comparative Psychology in the University of Wisconsin, Made by the Garden City Model Works, 124 Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. (p. 0001, fig. 1)
