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(Searching instruments: "tester for the accuracy of visual estimate according to lehmann" ; Sorted by Year.)
Tester for the accuracy of visual estimate according to Lehmann. The two marks A and B on the one side with a distance of 20 mm are prolonging the ends of the millimeter-scale on the opposite side. The line on the slide can be moved by a micrometer screw. The candidate has to move this screw deviding the distance A-B by visual estimation in proportions that have been defined before meanwhile the scale is covered by a hinged lid. So the deviation of the estimation can be determined with a measure of variation of 1/10mm by comparing the scale with the devided head of the millimeter screw (line on the slide); 0,600 kg. (Apparat zur Genauigkeitsprüfung des Augenmaßes nach Lehmann) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0003, fig. 40)