Institute for Experimental Psychology, University of Leipzig,1909
Wundt, Wilhelm. 1909. Das Institut für experimentelle Psychologie. In: Festschrift zur Feier des 500 jährigen Bestehens der Universität Leipzig, edited by Rektor und Senat der Universität Leipzig, 118-133. Leipzig: S. Hirzel
acoustics/ hearing (music etc.) olfaction/ smell & taste optics/ sight/ visual sensations haptics/ tactile/ muscular sense reaction time, Zeitsinn, etc. emotion/feeling/ will speech (phonetics, reading) memory attention psychology (experimental, physiol.)
fall phonometer photometer pressing balance for experiments on touch heliostat lamp (Bogenlampe) Meidinger batteries series of tunig forks (Koenig) series of pipes (Appunn) tonometer (Appunn) over tone apparatus accord apparatus large apparatus for distinguishing and mixing colors of the prismatic colors color mixing apparatus (Helmholtz) laryngograph (Krueger/Wirth) plethysmograph sphygmograph chronograph (Zimmermann) chronoscope (Hipp) control hammer time sense apparatus kymograph (Baltzar) fall tachistoscope with Atwood device rotation and reflecting tachistoscopes rhythm apparatus ("Taktierapparat") pendulum apparatus complication clock memory apparatus (Ranschburg/Wirth) demonstration chronoscope large pendulum apparatus large memory apparatus large model for demonstrating the movements of the eye large tuning forks