Image Database: Search Results
Displaying records 11 thru 18 of 18 records found.
(Searching instruments: "marbe" ; Sorted by Year.)
(Tachistoskop nach Marbe. (Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol. Bd. 107, S. 585.)) 1921
taken from: Spindler & Hoyer. 1921. Apparate für psychologische Untersuchungen, Katalog XXI. (p. 0139, fig. 229)

(Rotations-Apparat nach Marbe, mit Einrichtung, um die Sektoren allmählich durch eine lange Schraubenspindel verstellen zu können.) 1922
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 34: Über Optik, Ophthalmologische Apparate. (p. 0018, fig. 201)

(Sprachmelodie-Apparat nach Marbe, zur graphischen Registrierung der Melodie der menschlichen Sprache mittels der Marbeschen Rußringe.) 1922
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 40: Über akustische und phonetische Instrumente. (p. 0017, fig. 1520)

Heart sound apparatus according to Marbe. The apparatus serves for the graphical registration of heart sounds as well as of the pathological sounds, the duration of the systole and of the diastole etc. n° 2971. A sensible capsule together with rubber rings are serving as support and an absoprtion capsule without membrane. n° 1522 paper unwinding apparatus n° 1523 frame with 2 burners n° 1524 frame with 3 burners n° 1525 one electric tuning fork, 100 v.d. n° 1526 ond button for marking the dynam. accents n° 1527 acetylene gas producer n° 1528 Div. accessories: accumulator, carbide, rubber tubes, spare membrane, 2 paper rolls etc. (Herztonapparat nach Marbe. Der Apparat dient zur graphischen Registrierung der Herztöne, sowie der pathologischen Geräusche, der Systolen- und Diastolendauer usw.) 1922
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1922. Liste 43: Über Blutdruckapparate. (p. 0014, fig. 2970)

Color sensitometer for the optional adjustment of the sectors during the rotation. This color sensitometer serves for the same purpose like Marbe's rotatory apparatus: Readjustment of the proportions of the sectors of two telescoped color discs during the rotation. This apparatus differs from the other by the use of an axis with spiral slots according to the method by Lummer-Brodhun (Zeoitschr. f. Instrkd. 1896), that can be moved within a casing tube N for- and backwards by a setting screw R, instead of neither a string nor a lead roll. By the guide slot a rotation counterwise the wave W with the string drive can be produced during the for- and backward movements. The one of the color discs is connected with the wave W, the second one with the casing tube N. A full rotation of the last one can be produced be a 72 mm forward movement of the casing tube. The proportion of the sectors changes for 5 degrees with every millimeter. As the head of the screw R is gratuated into 10 intervals, the proportion of the sectors can be adjusted up to 1/2 degree during the rotation, what is indicated on the scale S; 7,300 kg. (Farbenkreisel zur beliebigen Verstellung der Sektoren während der Rotation) 1923
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1923. Liste 33: Über Psychotechnik. (p. 0009, fig. 215)

Marbe's speech melpdy apparatus (Sprachmelodie-Apparat nach Marbe) 1928
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1928. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate: Liste 50. (p. 0144, fig. 1520)

Heart sound apparatus according to Marbe (Herztonapparat nach Marbe) 1928
taken from: Zimmermann, E. 1928. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate: Liste 50. (p. 0241, fig. 2970)

(Hilfsapparate für Vakuumarbeiten. Vakuummeter nach Mac Leod; 500 ccm Inhalt.) n. d.
taken from: Leybold. n. d. Sonder-Preisliste über Hoch-Vakuum-Apparate nach Dr. Gaede. (p. 0022, fig. 15)
