Image Database: Search Results
Displaying records 21 thru 30 of 55 records found.
(Searching instruments: "helmholtz" ; Sorted by Year.)
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M. von Helmholtz's double siren (Sirène double de M. von Helmholtz) 1889
taken from: Koenig, Rudolph. 1889. Catalogue des Appareils d'Acoustique construits par Rudolph Koenig. (p. 0015, fig. 6)

? Helmoltz's large apparatus for compounding timbres of 10 different harmonies artifically and recording the sounds for the simultanuous production of a series of simple notes, that form a variety of harmonies. (Grand appareil de M. von Helmholtz pour la composition artificielle des différents timbres des sons et notamment des timbres des voyelles.) 1889
taken from: Koenig, Rudolph. 1889. Catalogue des Appareils d'Acoustique construits par Rudolph Koenig. (p. 0026, fig. 17)

(Helmholtz'sche Geradführung der Schreibspitze) 1891
taken from: Langendorff, Oskar. 1891. Physiologische Graphik: Ein Leitfaden der in der Physiologie gebräuchlichen Registrirmethoden. (p. 0050, fig. 31)

(Helmholtz'sche Geradführung der Schreibspitze) 1891
taken from: Langendorff, Oskar. 1891. Physiologische Graphik: Ein Leitfaden der in der Physiologie gebräuchlichen Registrirmethoden. (p. 0050, fig. 32)

Tuning fork interruptor according to Helmholtz with capillary contact (Stimmgabelunterbrecher nach Helmholtz mit Capillar Contact) 1891
taken from: Petzold, Wilhelm. 1891. Preis-Verzeichniss der Werkstätte für Präcisions-Mechanik von Wilh. Petzold: Abtheilung der Instrumente und Apparate für physiologische Experimente und Vivisectionen. (p. 0022, fig. 73)

Myographe according to Helmholtz (Das Helmholtz'sche Myographion) 1891
taken from: Langendorff, Oskar. 1891. Physiologische Graphik: Ein Leitfaden der in der Physiologie gebräuchlichen Registrirmethoden. (p. 0275, fig. 225)

Model showing mechanism of the drum and bones of the ear. After Helmholtz, by Jung, Heidelberg 1892
taken from: Anonymous. 1892. Harvard Psychological Laboratory in Dane Hall: Display of Wax Models. Photograph. (p. 0001, fig. M42)

Five tuning-forks, with resonators, tuned to the characteristic notes of the vowels. After Helmholtz, by Koenig, Paris 1892
taken from: Anonymous. 1892. Harvard Psychological Laboratory in Dane Hall: Interior of a Laboratory Room. Photograph. (p. 0002, fig. M47)

Series of ten resonators. After Helmholtz, by Koenig, Paris 1892
taken from: Anonymous. 1892. Harvard Psychological Laboratory in Dane Hall: Interior of a Laboratory Room. Photograph. (p. 0002, fig. M49)

Phakoscope, for demonstrating accommodation of lens. After Helmholtz, by Sittel, Heidelberg 1892
taken from: Anonymous. 1892. Harvard Psychological Laboratory in Dane Hall: Interior of a Laboratory Room. Photograph. (p. 0002, fig. M40)

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