OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 14 of 14 records found.
Searching for: "mcdougall" . Display as Full Reference.
McDougall, William. 1923. An Outline of Psychology. 1923
McDougall, William. 1927. Janus, The Conquest of War: A Psychological Inquiry. 1927
McDougall, William. 1901. On the seat of the psycho-physical processes. 1901
McDougall, William. 1911. Body and Mind: A History and Defense of Animism. 1911
McDougall, William. 1901. New observations in support of Thomas Young's theory of light- and colour-vision, I-III. 1901
McDougall, William. 1926. Outline of Abnormal Psychology. 1926
McDougall, William. 1929. Modern Materialism and Emergent Evolution. 1929
McDougall, William and C. Hose. 1912. The Pagan Tribes of Borneo. 1912
McDougall, William. 1908. An Introduction to Social Psychology. 1908
McDougall, William. 1920. The Group Mind. 1920
McDougall, William. 1934. The Frontiers of Psychology. 1934
McDougall, William. 1905. Physiological Psychology. 1905
McDougall, William. 1936. Psycho-Analysis and Social Psychology. 1936
McDougall, William. 1932. The Energies of Men; A Study of the Fundamentals of Dynamic Psychology. 1932
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