OPAC: Search Results (Full References)
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Jaquet, James. n. d. Appareils d'Exploration des Mouvements Respiratoires. Bale n. d.
Jaquet, James. n. d. Der Polygraph Jaquet und seine Nebenapparate. Basel n. d.
Jaquet, James. n. d. Jaquet Time Registering Apparatus. Bale n. d.
Jaquet, James. n. d. Studenten-Kymographion Jaquet. n. d.
Biddle, James G. [Including Willyoung]. 1898. Supplementary Catalogue of Psychological and Physiogogical Apparatus: Incorporated with Catalogue issued in 1895. Philadelphia (Collection Rand B. Evans) 1898
Putnam, James J. 1879-80. On the Reliability of Marey's Tambour in Experiments Requiring Accurate Notations of Time [From the Journal of Physiology, Vol. II, No. 3, Offprint]. In: Physiological Laboratory Harvard Medical School. Collected Papers II 1880-1886, 209-213. Boston 1879-80
Jaquet, James. n. d. Jaquet Apparatus: Catalogue 503. Basle (Collection Rand B. Evans) n. d.
Biddle, James G. [Including Willyoung]. 1896. Abridged Catalogue of Electrical Measuring Instruments and other Scientific Apparatus: Catalogue 175. Philadelphia (Collection Rand B. Evans) 1896
Cattell, James McKeen. 1886. Psychometrische Untersuchungen, Zweite Abtheilung. Philosophische Studien 3: 452-492 1886
Rice, James F. 1897. The size-weight illusion among the blind. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 5: 81-87 1897
Jaquet, James. n. d. Das einfache Kymographion Jaquet für Motorantrieb. n. d.
Cattell, James McKeen. 1885. Ueber die Zeit der Erkennung und Benennung von Schriftzeichen, Bildern und Farben. Philosophische Studien 2: 635-650 1885
James W. Queen & Company. 1883. Abridged Catalogue of Optical Instruments, Mathematical Instruments, Physical Apparatus, Meteorological Instruments. Philadelphia, PA (Collection Rand B. Evans) 1883
Baldwin, James M. 1892. The Psychological Laboratory in the University of Toronto. Science 19: 143-144 1892
Abderhalden, Emil und James Sington. 1909. Vergleichende Untersuchung über die Zusammensetzung und den Aufbau verschiedener Seidenarten. IV. Mitteilung. Die Monoaminosäuren aus «Bengal»-Seide. Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie 61: 259-260 1909
Whitehead, James. 1851. On the Transmission, from Parent to Offspring, of some Forms of Disease, and of Morbid Taints and Tendencies. London: J. Churchill 1851
Maxwell, James Clark. 1859-1860. On the theory of compound colours, and the relations of the colours of the spectrum (abstract). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 10: 404-409 1859-1860
Dance, Jean Baptiste Hippolyte and James Arnott. 1830. Über Venenentzündung und deren Folgen: Zwei Abhandlungen. Jena: Frommann [part of: Müller Library] 1830
Prichard, James Cowles. 1840-48. Naturgeschichte des Menschengeschlechts (Vol. 1-4). Edited by Rudolph Wagner. Leipzig: Voss [part of: Müller Library] 1840-48
Cattell, James McKeen. 1928. Early psychological laboratories. Science, N. S. 67: 543-548 1928
Sully, James. 1880. Dr. Hughlings Jackson or Morbid Affections of Speech. Mind 5: 105-111 1880
Sully, James. 1879. Harmony of Colours. Mind 4: 172-191 1879
Kronecker, Hugo et Samuel James Meltzer. 1881. Ueber den Schluckmechanismus und dessen nervöse Hemmungen. Monatsberichte der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin: 100 1881
Shin, Taeyoung, Duane Kraemer, Jane Pryor, Ling Lui, James Rugila, Lisa Howe, Sandra Buck, Keith Murphy, Leslie Lyons and Mark Westhusin. 2002. Cell Biology: A Cat Cloned By Nuclear Transplantation. Nature 415: 859 2002
Wardrop, James. 1813. History of James Mitchell a Boy Born Blind and Deaf: With an Account of the Operation Performed for the Recovery of his Sight. London: Murray [part of: Müller Library] 1813
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