OPAC: Search Results (Full References)
Displaying records 1 thru 25 of 32 records found.
Searching for: "bell" . Display as Short Reference.
Cabella, Mario. 1913. Über den Gehalt an Kreatinin der Muskeln verschiedener Tiere und in den verschiedenen Arten des Muskelgewebes. Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie 84: 29-38 1913
Campbell, J. 1818. Über das Sehen: Aus Thomson's Annals of philopsophy, Vol. X, 1817, p. 17-29. Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie 4: 110-116 1818
Abelli, V. 21.01.1895. [Untitled manuscript (= Fascicolo Fatica Cuore)]. (Università di Torino, Biblioteca Angelo Mosso - Università di Torino, Biblioteca Angelo Mosso) 1895
Bellini, Giovanni. n.d. [Letter to Angelo Mosso]. 4 pages (Università di Torino, Biblioteca Angelo Mosso - Fascicolo: Appunti) n.d.
Bell, C. 1823. Versuche über den Bau und die Functionen des Nervensystems, die zu einer neuen Ansicht desselben führen: Phil. Transact., 1821, p. 398 ff. Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie 8: 391-404 1823
Bellazzi, Luigi. 1908. Über die Wirkung einiger Gase auf die Autolyse. Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie 57: 389-394 1908
Campbell, W. 1822. Angeborne regelwidrige Lage der Eingeweide: Edinb. med. and surg. Journ., 1821, Vol. 17, p. 513. Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie 7: 56-57 1822
Bell, Sir Charles. 1834. The Hand: Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, as Evincing Design. London: Pickering [part of: Müller Library] 1834
Bellingeri, Carlo Francesco. 1833. Ragionamento sperienze ed osservazioni pathologice comprovanti l'antagonismo nervoso esposti, e raccolte. Torino: Balbino [part of: Müller Library] 1833
Geiregat, Pieter, E. Bellamy, E. de Laveleye en Charles Richet. 1893. Maatschappelijke vraagstukken: Gedachten, Ontleend aan Edw. Bellamy, Em. de Laveleye en Ch. Richet. Gent: J. Vuylsteke 1893
Lanza, Robert P., Jose B. Cibelli, Catherine Blackwell, Vincent J. Cristofalo, Mary Kay Francis, Gabriela M. Baerlocher, Jennifer Mak, Michael Schertzer, Elizabeth A. Chavez, Nancy Sawyer, Peter M. Lansdorp, Michael D. West and . 2000. Extension of Cell Life-Span and Telomere Length in Animals Cloned from Senescent Somatic Cells. Science 288: 665-669 2000
Wilmut, I., A.E. Schnieke, J. McWhir, A.J. Kind and K.H.S. Campbell. 1997. Viable Offspring Derived from Fetal and Adult Mammalian Cells. Nature 385: 810-813 1997
Bellini, Ranieri. 1853. Elementi d'ematologica considerata in rapporto alla fisiologia, alla patologia, alla terapeutica et alla tossicologica. Pisa: Vannucchi [part of: Müller Library] 1853
Bell, Thomas. 1853. A History of the British Stalk-eyed Crustacea. London: van Voorst [part of: Müller Library] 1853
Polejaeva, Irina A., hu-Hung Chen, Todd D. Vaught, Raymond L. Page, June Mullins, Suyapa Ball, Yifan Dai, Jeremy Boone, Shawn Walker, David L. Ayares, Alan Colman and Keith H.S. Campbell. 2000. Cloned Pigs Produced by Nuclear Transfer from Adult Somatic Cells. Nature 407: 86-90 2000
Bell, A. G. 1880. Experiments Relating to Binaural Audition. American Journal of Otology 2: 169-180 1880
Cambell, William. 1841. Abhandlung über die Schwangerschaft ausserhalb der Gebärmutter. Karlsruhe: Herder [part of: Müller Library] 1841
Campbell, K.H.S., J. McWhir, W.A. Ritchie and I. Wilmut. 1996. Sheep Cloned by Nuclear Transfer from a Cultured Cell Line. Nature 380: 64-66 1996
Child, C.M. and A.W. Bellamy. 1920. Physiological Isolation by Low Temperature in Bryophyllum. Botanical Gazette 70: 249-267 1920
Child, C.M. and A.W. Bellamy. 1919. Physiological Isolation by Low Temperature in Bryophyllum and Other Plants. Science 50: 362-365 1919
Bell, Thomas. 1839. A History of British Reptiles. London: van Voorst [part of: Müller Library] 1839
Loebell, Carl E. 1849. De conditionibus quibus secretiones in glandulis perificiuntur. Marburg 1849
Bell, Charles. 1826. On the nervous circle which connects the voluntary muscles with the brain. London 1826
Bell, Charles. 1966. Idea of a new anatomy of the brain. A facsimile of the privately printed edition of 1811. London: Dawson of Pall Mall 1966
Bellarminoff, L. 1886. Anwendung der graphischen Methode bei Untersuchung des intraocularen Druckes: Mit Hülfe der Photographie. Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 39: 449-472 1886
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