OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 15 of 15 records found.
Searching for: "seashore" . Display as Full Reference.
Seashore, C. E. 1896. Influence of the Rate of Change upon the Perception of Differences in Pressure and Weight. 1896
Seashore, C. E. 1896. Weber's Law in Illusions. 1896
Seashore, C. E. 1899. New Psychological Apparatus, II: An audiometer. 1899
Seashore, C. E. 1905. Die Aufmerksamkeitsschwankungen. 1905
Seashore, C. E. 1902. A Voice Tonoscope. 1902
Seashore, Carl E. 1942. The Psychological Laboratory. 1942
Seashore, C. E. 1895. Measurements of Illusions and Hallucinations in Normal Life. 1895
Seashore, C.E. 1892-1893. On Monocular Accommodation-Time. 1892-1893
Seashore, Carl E. 1938. Psychology of Music. 1938
Seashore, Carl Emil. 1947. In search of beauty in music: a scientific approach to musical esthetics. 1947
Seashore, Carl Emil. 1908. Elementary experiments in psychology. 1908
Seashore, Carl Emil. 1918. Psychology in daily life. 1918
Seashore, Carl E. 1942. Pioneering in Psychology. 1942
Seashore, Carl Emil. 1919. The psychology of musical talent. 1919
Seashore, Carl Emil. 1923. Introduction to psychology. 1923
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