OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 25 of 45 records found.
Searching for: "scripture" . Display as Full Reference.
Scripture, Edward W., W. C. Crooke and C. M. Warren. 1897. Researches on memory for arm-movements. 1897
Scripture, E. W. 1928. Eine Grammophonkurve der Stimme des Tenors Enrico Caruso. 1928
Scripture, E. W. 1892-1893. Some new psychological apparatus. 1892-1893
Scripture, Edward W. 1894. On mean values for direct measurements. 1894
Scripture, Edward W. 1900. Computation of a set of simple direct measurements. 1900
Scripture, E. W. 1928. Ein Fall von Magensprache bei einem normalen Menschen. 1928
Scripture, Edward Wheeler. 1897. The New Psychology. 1897
Scripture, Edward W. 1900. A test of safe color vision. 1900
Scripture, Edward Wheeler. 1927. Anwendung der graphischen Methode auf Sprache und Gesang. 1927
Scripture, Edward W. 1896. Researches on reaction-time. 1896
Scripture, E. W. 1894. Tests of mental ability as exhibited in fencing. 1894
Scripture, E. W. 1927. Zur Psychophysik und Physiologie der Vokale. 1927
Scripture, E. W. 1928. Die Natur der Vokale. 1928
Scripture, Edward W. 1897. Principles of laboratory economy. 1897
Scripture, E. W. 1896. Untersuchungen über die geistige Entwickelung der Schulkinder. 1896
Scripture, E. W. 1894. Über die Ändersungsempfindlichkeit. 1894
Scripture, Edward Wheeler. 1902. The elements of experimental phonetics. 1902
Scripture, Edward W. 1895. Some new apparatus. 1895
Scripture, Edward W. 1894. Remarks on Dr. Gilbert´s article. 1894
Scripture, Edward W. 1896. New apparatus and methods. 1896
Scripture, Eduard W. 1891. Vorstellung und Gefühl. 1891
Scripture, Eduard W. 1892. Zur Definition einer Vorstellung. 1892
Scripture, E. W. 1928. Antwort auf vorstehende Bemerkung [zur Vokalfrage] des Herrn F. Trendelenburg (diese Zeitschrift [Zeitschr. f. Sinnesphysiol., Bd.] 59, S. 381, [1928]). 1928
Scripture, Edward Wheeler. 1895. Thinking, feeling, doing. 1895
Scripture, Edward W. and Howard F. Smith. 1894. Experiments on the highest audible tone. 1894
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