OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 7 of 7 records found.
Searching for: "bayliss" . Display as Full Reference.
Bayliss, L. E., Fee, A. R. and E. Ogden. 1928. A method of oxygenating blood. 1928
Bayliss, L. E. and Müller, E. A. 1928. A simple High-speed Rotary Pump. 1928
Bayliss, William Maddock. 1915. Principles of General Physiology. 1915
Bayliss, William Maddock. 1917. The Physiology of Food and Economy in Diet. 1917
Bayliss, William Maddock. 1923. The Colloidal State in Its Medical and Physiological Aspects. 1923
Bayliss, William Maddock. 1918. Intravenous Injections in Wound Shock: Being the Oliver-Sharpey Lectures Delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London in May 1918. 1918
Bayliss, William Maddock. 1908. The Nature of Enzyme Action. 1908
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