OPAC: Search Results (Full References)
Displaying records 1 thru 14 of 14 records found.
Searching for: "mcdougall" . Display as Short Reference.
McDougall, William. 1901. On the seat of the psycho-physical processes. Brain 24: 577-630 1901
McDougall, William. 1901. New observations in support of Thomas Young's theory of light- and colour-vision, I-III. Mind 10: 52-97, 210-45, 347-82 1901
McDougall, William. 1905. Physiological Psychology. London: J. M. Dent 1905
McDougall, William. 1908. An Introduction to Social Psychology. London: Methuen 1908
McDougall, William. 1911. Body and Mind: A History and Defense of Animism. London: Methuen 1911
McDougall, William and C. Hose. 1912. The Pagan Tribes of Borneo. London: Macmillan 1912
McDougall, William. 1920. The Group Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1920
McDougall, William. 1923. An Outline of Psychology. London: Methuen 1923
McDougall, William. 1926. Outline of Abnormal Psychology. New York: Scribner 1926
McDougall, William. 1927. Janus, The Conquest of War: A Psychological Inquiry. New York: Dutton 1927
McDougall, William. 1929. Modern Materialism and Emergent Evolution. London: Methuen 1929
McDougall, William. 1932. The Energies of Men; A Study of the Fundamentals of Dynamic Psychology. London: Methuen 1932
McDougall, William. 1934. The Frontiers of Psychology. London: Methuen 1934
McDougall, William. 1936. Psycho-Analysis and Social Psychology. London: Methuen 1936
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