OPAC: Search Results (Full References)
Displaying records 1 thru 15 of 15 records found.
Searching for: "jastrow" . Display as Short Reference.
Jastrow, Joseph. 1891-92. Studies from the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology of the University of Wisconsin, II: A study of involuntary movements. American Journal of Psychology 4: 398-407 1891-92
Jastrow, Joseph. 1892-93. On the Judgement of Angles and Positions of Lines. American Journal of Psychology 5: 214-248 1892-93
Hall, Granville Stanley and Joseph Jastrow. 1886. Studies of Rhythm. Mind 11: 55-62 1886
Jastrow, Joseph. 1886. An Easy Method of Measuring the Time of Mental Processes. Science 8: 237-241 1886
Jastrow, Joseph. 1887. The Psycho-Physic Law and Star Magnitudes. American Journal of Psychology 1: 112-127 1887
Jastrow, Joseph. 1890. The Time-Relations of Mental Phenomena. New York: Hodges 1890
Jastrow, Joseph, L. M. Hanks and J. B. Kerr. 1890. Tactical Motor-Extension. American Journal of Psychology 3: 47-49 1890
Jastrow, Joseph and Fr. Whitton. 1890. The Perception of Space by Disparate Senses. American Journal of Psychology 3: 49-54 1890
Jastrow, Joseph and W. B. Cairnes. 1891. The Psycho-Physic Series and the Time Sense. American Journal of Psychology 4: 213-227 1891
Jastrow, Joseph. 1891. Psychology at the University of Wisconsin. American Journal of Psychology 3: 275-276 1891
Jastrow, Joseph and Fr. Whitton. 1891. The Effect of Foreknowledge on Repetition Times. American Journal of Psychology 4: 198-200 1891
Jastrow, Joseph, Winifred Sercombe and Lucy M. Churchill. 1892. Finding Time. American Journal of Psychology 4: 415-420 1892
Jastrow, Joseph, Geo. W. Moorehaouse and Mildred Harper. 1892. Classification Time. American Journal of Psychology 4: 415-420 1892
Münsterberg, H., Th. Ribot, J. Jastrow, P. Janet and M. Prince. 1907. A symposium on the subconscious. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2: 22-43, 58-80 1907
Jastrow, Joseph. 1927. The reconstruction of psychology. Psychological Review 34: 169-195 1927
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