OPAC: Search Results (Full References)
Displaying records 1 thru 4 of 4 records found.
Searching for: "hales" . Display as Short Reference.
Hales, Stephen. 1727. Vegetable staticks: Or, an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables; Being an essay towards a natural history of vegetation; Also, a specimen of an attempt to analyse the air by a great variety of chymio-statical experiments. London 1727
Hales, Stephen. 1731. Statical essays: Containing Vegetable Staticks. London 1731
Hales, Stephen. 1740. Statical Essays. 2nd ed. London: Innys & Manby, Woodward [part of: Müller Library] 1740
Hales, Stephen. 1748. Statik des Geblüts, bestehend in neuen Erfahrungen an lebendigen Thieren, ihres Bluts Bewegung zu erforschen. Halle: Renger [part of: Müller Library] 1748
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