Koenig, Rudolph
Kaliningrad, Russia
Paris, France
02.10.1901 |
Degrees: |
Career: |
1851 move from Königsberg to Paris and joining of the workshop of the violinmaker Jean Baptiste Vuillaume; seven years of working with Vuillaume; master violinmaker; attendance of public lectures and studies of mechnics during his leisure time; 1858 own business as an acoustical instrument maker for scientists; 1859 first catalogue issued; active research on his own; 1858 psychological experiments with high pitched tuning forks; about 1863 move into a new instrument shop near the faculty of medicine; 1865 second catalogue published (including several innovations from the theories and instruments of Helmholtz); 1862 invention of the manometric flame capsule; 1866 collaboration with the experimentalist Victor Regnault; 1868 honorary doctorate from the University of Königsberg and beginning of experiments on vowels; 1870 move to Switzerland and Prussia; 1871 return to Paris; 1872 account of his manometric flame studies published; 1875 major experimental critique of Helmholtz's theory of beats and combination tones; 1873 new catalogue published; 1882 collection of all of his writings since 1858 published in book-form; also 1882 new catalogue published, travel to America and series of public lectures given in Toronto; 1889 last catalogue finished; 1899 publication on the production of high frequencies. |
Selected works: |
Koenig, Rudolph. 1862. Appareil pour la mesure de la vitesse du son. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences 55: 603-605
Koenig, Rudolph. 1880. Untersuchungen über die Schwingungen einer Normstimmgabel. Annalen der Physik und Chemie 9: 394-417
Koenig, Rudolph. 1882. Quelques expériences d'acoustique. Paris: Imprimerie A. Lahure
Koenig, Rudolph. 1889. Catalogue des Appareils d'Acoustique construits par Rudolph Koenig. Paris
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Sources: |
Pantalony, David Alexander. 2002. Rudolph Koenig (1832-1901), Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) and the Birth of Modern Acoustics. Toronto |
Related: |
ISSN 1866-4784: reference -