OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
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Searching for: "hall granville" . Display as Full Reference.
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Hall, Granville Stanley. 1890. The relations of Physiology and Psychology. 1890
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1890. The Training of Teachers. 1890
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1890. Children's Lies. 1890
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1890. A Sketch of the History of Reflex Action. 1890
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1890. The Educational State or The Methods of Education in Europe. 1890
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1890. The Modern University. 1890
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Educational Reforms. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Boy Life in a Massachusetts Country Town Thirty Years Ago: Paper read before the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, October 21, 1890. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. A Study of Children's Collections. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Elementary Education: The Reconstructed Primary School System of France. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. The contents of children's minds on entering school. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Review of William James' Principles of Psychology: H. Holt & Co., 1890, 2 Vols. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. First Annual Report to the Board of Trustees: Clark University Worcester, Mass., Oct. 4, 1890. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Recent Literature of Higher Education: I. France, II. Germany, III. England, IV. United States, V. Miscellaneous, VI. University Buildings. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Editorial: Deals with recent educational tendencies. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Recent Literature of Higher Education. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Phi Beta Kappa Oration. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Children's Lies. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. The Moral and Religious Training of Children and Adolescents. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Discussions Before the N. E. A. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. The New Movement in Education: An Adress delivered before the School of Pedagogy of the University of the City of New York. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Book Reviews (Pedagogical). 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Recent Literature on Intermediate Education. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Literature and Notes (Educational). 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Contemporary Psychologists: I. Professor Eduard Zeller. 1891
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