OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 19 of 19 records found.
Searching for: "bowditch" . Display as Full Reference.
Bowditch, H. P. 1886. What is Nerve Force? [Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. XXXV, 1886, Offprint]. 1886
Bowditch, H. P. and G. Stanley Hall. 1880-82. Optical Illusions of Motion [From the Journal of Physiology, Vol. III, No. 5, Offprint]. 1880-82
H. P. Bowditch, ed. 1880-1886. Physiological Laboratory Harvard Medical School. Collected Papers II 1880-1886. 1880-1886
Hall, Granville Stanley and Henry P. Bowditch. 1882. Optical Illusions of Motions. 1882
Bowditch, H. P. 1885. Note on the Nature of Nerve-Force [From the Journal of Physiology, Vol. VI, No. 3, Offprint]. 1885
Bowditch, Henry P. 1872. Über die Interferenz des retardirenden und beschleunigenden Herznerven. 1872
Bowditch, H. P. 1880-82. A Comparison of Sight and Touch [From the Journal of Physiology, Vol. III, No. 3, Offprint]. 1880-82
Bowditch, H. P. und J. W. Warren. 1883. Plethysmographische Untersuchungen über die Gefässnerven der Extremitäten [Aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der Harvard Medical School, Boston, Ver. Staaten, Offprint]. 1883
Bowditch, H. P. and G. Stanley Hall. 1882. Illusions of Motion [Abstract of No. V.] [From the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. XXXI, Montreal Meeting, August, 1882, Offprint]. 1882
Bowditch, H. P. and F. A. Harris. 1882. On the Collection of Data at Autopsies [A Report presented to the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, Feb. 1, 1882. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, cvii, 365, 1882, Offprint]. 1882
Bowditch, H. P. 1886. Vasor-Motor Nerves of the Limbs. Abstract (of No. XXI) [From the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. XXXV. Buffalo Meeting, August, 1886, Offprint]. 1886
Bowditch, Henry P. 1871. Über die Eigenthümlichkeiten der Reizbarkeit, welche die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen. 1871
Bowditch, H. P. and J. W. Warren. 1886. Plethysmographic Experiments on the Vaso-Motor Nerves of the Limbs [From the Journal of Physiology, Vol. VII, Nos. 5 & 6, Offprint]. 1886
Bowditch, H. P. and Warren, J. W. 1890. The Knee-jerk and its Physiological Modifications . 1890
Bowditch, H. P. 1885. Note on the Nature of Nerve-Force . 1885
Bowditch, Henry P. 1871. Über die Eigenthümlichkeiten der Reizbarkeit, welche die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen. 1871
Bowditch, Henry P. 1890. Ueber den Nachweis der Unermüdlichkeit der Säugethiernerven. 1890
Bowditch, H. P. and F. Southard. 1882. Comparision of Sight and Touch. 1882
Bowditch, Henry P. 1871. Über die Eigenthümlichkeiten der Reizbarkeit, welche die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen. 1871
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