OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
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Searching for: "titchener" . Display as Full Reference.
Titchener, E. B. 1896. Entgegnung [anläßlich des Heymanschen Referates zu Knox: On the quantitative determination of an optical illusion, Americ. Journ. of Psychol. VI. S. 413-421. 1894 und Watanabe: On the quantitative determination of an optical illusion. Ebda. S. 509-514. 1895 in der Zeitschr. f. Psychol. u. Physiol. d. Sinnesorg., 1896, Bd. 10, S. 465-466]. 1896
Titchener, E. B. 1899. Zur Kritik der Wundt'schen Gefühlslehre. 1899
Titchener, Eduard B. 1900. The Psychological Laboratory of Cornell University. 1900
Titchener, Edward B. 1900. The Complication Pendulum. 1900
Titchener, Edward B. 1905. Experimental Psychology: A Manual of Laboratory Practice, Vol. II: Quantitative Experiments, part 1: Student's Manual. 1905
Titchener, Edward B. 1902. Experimental Psychology: A Manual of Laboratory Practice, Vol. I: Qualitative Experiments, Part 1: Student's Manual. 1902
Titchener, Edward B. 1905. Experimental Psychology: A Manual of Laboratory Practice, Vol. II: Quantitative Experiments, part 2: Instructor's Manual. 1905
Titchener, Edward B. 1901. Experimental Psychology: A Manual of Laboratory Practice, Vol. I: Qualitative Experiments, part 2: Instructor's Manual. 1901
Titchener, Edward B. 1895. Photographic Album on Psychological Instruments. 59 Photographs. 1895
Titchener, Edward B. 1898. A Psychological Laboratory. 1898
Titchener, Edward Bradford. 1910. The Quality of Sensation: Vision. 1910
Titchener, E. B. 1897. Angelo Mosso: Fear. Translated from the Italian by E. Lough and F. Kiesow. London, New York and Bombay: Longmans, Green & Co. 1896. 278 S. 1897
Titchener, Edward B. 1902. Ein Versuch, die Methode der paarweisen Vergleichung auf die verschiedenen Gefühlsrichtungen anzuwenden. 1902
Martius, Ebbinghaus, Sully, Titchener, Heymans and Mendelssohn. 1892. Discussion on the two preceding papers. 1892
Titchener, Edward B. 1901-05. Experimental Psychology: A Manual of Laboratory Practice. 2 Vols. 1901-05
Titchener, E. Bradford. 1898. A Psychological Laboratory. 1898
Titchener, Edward B. 1908. The Tridemensional Theory of Feeling. 1908
Titchener, Edward B. 1899. Professor James on Telepathy. 1899
Titchener, Edward B. 1899. Lehmann and Hansen on 'The Telepathic Problem'. 1899
Titchener, Edward B. 1923. Relearning after Forty Six Years. 1923
Titchener, Edward Bradford. 1908. Lectures on the Elementary Psychology of Feeling and Attention. 1908
Titchener, Edward B. 1898. A Primer of Psychology. 1898
Titchener, Edward B. 1922. Festschrift for Carl Stumpf. 1922
Titchener, Edward B. 1914. Psychology: Science or Technology? 1914
Titchener, Edward B. 1895. Affective Memory. 1895