OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 13 of 13 records found.
Searching for: "langley" . Display as Full Reference.
Langley, J. N. 1925. University of Cambridge: Department of Physiology. 1925
Langley, J. N. 1897-1898. Note on the experimental junction of the vagus nerve with the cells of the superior cervical ganglion. 1897-1898
Langley, John N. and William L. Dickinson. 1889. On the local paralysis of peripheral ganglia, and on the connexion of defferent classes of nerve fibres with them. 1889
Langley, J. N. 1899-1900. On axon-reflexes in the pre-ganglionic fibres of the sympathetic system. 1899-1900
Langley, J. N. 1877. The Action of Pilocarpin on the Sub-maxillary Gland of the Dog. 1877
Langley, J. N. and H. K. Anderson. 1904. The union of different kinds of nerve fibres. 1904
Langley, J. N. 1876. The Action of Jaborandi on the heart. 1876
Langley, John Newport. 1921. The Autonomic Nervous System. 1921
Langley, John Newport. 1898-1900. The Sympathetic and Other Related Systems of Nerves. 1898-1900
Langley, John Newport. 1906. On Nerve-Endings and on Special Excitable Substances in Cells. 1906
Langley, John Newport. 1898-1900. The Salivary Glands. 1898-1900
Langley, John Newport and Charles S. Sherrington. 1891. On Pilomotor Nerves. 1891
Langley, J. N. 1903. Das sympathische und verwandte nervöse System der Wirbeltiere (autonomes nervöses System). 1903
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