OPAC: Search Results (Full References)
Displaying records 1 thru 25 of 45 records found.
Searching for: "scripture" . Display as Short Reference.
Scripture, Eduard W. 1891. Vorstellung und Gefühl. Philosophische Studien 6: 536-542 1891
Scripture, E. W. 1892-1893. Some new psychological apparatus. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 1: 97-100 1892-1893
Scripture, Edward W. and C.S. Lyman. 1892-1893. Drawing a straight line; a study in experimental didactics. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 1: 92-96 1892-1893
Scripture, Eduard W. 1892. Einige Beobachtungen über Schwebungen und Differenztöne. Philosophische Studien 7: 630-632 1892
Scripture, Eduard W. 1892. Zur Definition einer Vorstellung. Philosophische Studien 7: 213-221 1892
Scripture, Eduard W. 1892. Ueber den associativen Verlauf der Vorstellungen. Philosophische Studien 7: 50-146 1892
Scripture, E. W. and John M. Moore. 1892-1893. A new reaction-key and the time of voluntary movement. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 1: 88-91 1892-1893
Scripture, Edward W. 1894. Remarks on Dr. Gilbert´s article. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 2: 101-104 1894
Scripture, E. W. 1894. Tests of mental ability as exhibited in fencing. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 2: 122-124 1894
Scripture, Edward W. 1894. On mean values for direct measurements. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 2: 1-39 1894
Scripture, Edward W. 1894. A psychological method of determining the blind-spot. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 2: 120-121 1894
Scripture, E. W. 1894. Über die Ändersungsempfindlichkeit. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane 6: 472-474 1894
Scripture, Edward W. and Howard F. Smith. 1894. Experiments on the highest audible tone. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 2: 105-113 1894
Scripture, E. W., Smith, Theodate L. and Brown, Emily M. 1894. On the education of muscular control and power. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 2: 114-119 1894
Scripture, Edward Wheeler. 1895. Thinking, feeling, doing. Meadville Penna: Flood and Vincent etc. [part of: Wundt Library] 1895
Scripture, Edward W. 1895. Some new apparatus. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 3: 98-109 1895
Scripture, Edward W. 1896. Researches on reaction-time. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 4: 12-26 1896
Scripture, Edward W. 1896. Researches on voluntary effort. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 4: 69-75 1896
Scripture, Edward W. 1896. Elementary course in psychological measurements. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 4: 89-139 1896
Scripture, Edward W. 1896. New apparatus and methods. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 4: 76-88 1896
Scripture, E. W. 1896. Untersuchungen über die geistige Entwickelung der Schulkinder. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane 10: 161-182 1896
Scripture, Edward W. 1897. Principles of laboratory economy. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 5: 93-103 1897
Scripture, Edward W. 1897. On binaural space. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 5: 76-80 1897
Scripture, Edward W., W. C. Crooke and C. M. Warren. 1897. Researches on memory for arm-movements. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 5: 90-92 1897
Scripture, Edward W. 1897. Cerebral light. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 5: 88-89 1897
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