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"...with mathematic precision" - continued...

The Factory

Around 1900, driven by the increasing and spreading industrialization, physiology began to dedicate itself to optimizing the worker's body. The keyword is "fatigue" (Rabinbach 1992), understood to mean a quantitative limit of human exertion in a working world which is no longer defined by craftsmanship, but by machines, under the auspices of factories, automation and the division of labor (Münsterberg 1917, p. 3 ff.).

Muensterberg 1893, catalogue excerpt
Dynamometers listed in the catalog of Münsterberg's Psychological Laboratory, Harvard 1893

With physiology's step out of the indoor-laboratory, not only science and business merge (in order to supply the industry with criteria for selection), but also the economics of the body, the factory and the nation – as the formation of physio-social energetics.

Reference: Windgätter, Christof. 2005. "...with mathematic precision" - On the Historiography of the Dynamometer. The Virtual Laboratory (ISSN 1866-4784),