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Plantbreeding at Svalöf - continued...

The descent cards were started in 1892, and show the following structure. The headline states the grain species (e.g. 'Hafre', i.e. oats), the year ('1892'), the number of the parcel it referred to ('B.I.e. ff. [i.e. försöksfält = experimental parcel] 31"), and the variety that was cultivated on that parcel (e.g. 'Svart, kalifornisk plym-', i.e. black, Californian plume-oat). The number for the parcel results from a complicated classification of fields and parcels according to species sown out and the season of sowing (see Anonymous 1892: 99-100).

Under this heading, a list of numbered entries follows, distinguishing different strains within the variety grown on the parcel according to botanical criteria, as the colour of the seed, the form of the ear etc. These botanical characterisations were elaborated comparatively, that is by listing differences only, not by independent description, as is clear from formulations like '4. Like 3 but later and without any bristles (4. Som 3 men senare och fullst. borstlös)'.

Following the so-called pedigree method, developed by the French seed company Vilmorin, one individual was isolated from each of the distinguished strains and all its seeds sown out in the following year on a separate parcel. The descendants of this individual constituted what was called a 'pedigree', the assumption being that unity of descent would guarantee the 'purity', and thus, stability of the pedigree (Gayon and Zallen 1998).

Reference: Müller-Wille, Staffan. 2008. Plantbreeding at Svalöf: Instruments, Registers, Fieldwork. The Virtual Laboratory (ISSN 1866-4784),