OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 6 of 6 records found.
Searching for: "gaskell" . Display as Full Reference.
Gaskell, Walter H. 1876. Über die Änderungen des Blutstroms in den Muskeln durch die Reizung ihrer Nerven. 1876
Gaskell, Walter H. 1876. Über die Wand der Lymphcapillaren. 1876
Gaskell, Walter H. 1877. On the Vasomotor Nerves of Striated Muscles. 1877
Gaskell, W. H. 1882. The croonian lecture: On the rhythm of the heart of the frog, and on the nature of the action of the vagus nerve. 1882
Gaskell, Walter H. 1883-1884. On the innervation of the heart, with special reference to the heart of the tortoise. 1883-1884
Gaskell, Walter H. 1886. On the structure, distribution, and function of the nerves which innervate the visceral and vascular system. 1886
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