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Institute for Experimental Psychology, University of Leipzig,1896

Leipzig (Germany)

Source: Stratton, George M. 1896. The New Psychological Laboratory at Leipzig. Science, N. S. 4: 867-868 view the source
spacerTopics acoustics/ hearing (music etc.)
optics/ sight/ visual sensations
reaction time, Zeitsinn, etc.
spacer Technology
spacer- Instruments heliostat
large perimeter
Helmholtz's double spectroscope
large phonometer
various acoustic instruments
spacer People
spacer- Head Wilhelm (Maximilian) Wundt (1832 - 1920)
spacer- Assistants Dr. Meumann
spacer- Architects
spacer- Others
Experiments: not yet available
Associated Journals:
Related Literature:
Further Descriptions: Institute for experimental Psychology at Leipzig University (1891)
Institute for experimental Psychology, University of Leipzig (1909)
Institute for experimental Psychology at Leipzig University (1893)
Institute for Experimental Psychology at Leipzig University (1893)
ISSN 1866-4784: reference - xlink