OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
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Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Review of William James' Principles of Psychology: H. Holt & Co., 1890, 2 Vols. 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1894. Address at the Dedication of the Haston Free Public Library Building, North Brookfield, Mass. 1894
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1896. The Case of the Public Schools: I. The Witness of the Teacher. 1896
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1900. The Greatest Books of the Century: A Symposium. 1900
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1900. Student Customs: Paper read before the American Antiquian Society, Oct. 24, 1900. 1900
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. The Medical Profession and Children. 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1909. Youth: Its education, regimen, and hygiene. 1909
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1903. Note on N. E. A. Meeting in Boston, July 6-10, 1903. 1903
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1905. The Efficiency of the Religious Work of the Y.M.C.A. Address at Y.M.C.A. Convention, Niagara Falls, N.Y., May 27, 1905. 1905
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1905. A Central Pedagogical Library and Museum of Massachusetts. Address at Y.M.C.A. Convention, Niagara Falls, N. Y., May 27, 1905. 1905
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1905. The Education of Ministers and Sunday School Work Among the Unitarians: Address at meeting of the Unitarian Sunday School Society, Atlantic City, N. J. Sept. 26, 1905. 1905
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1905. What is Pedagogy? 1905
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1906. Introductory Note to "Pathological Aspects of Religion" by Josiah Morse. 1906
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1907. Should Modern be Substituted for Ancient Languages for Culture and Training? 1907
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. The Function of Music in the College Curriculum: Address at Columbia University, Dec. 27, 1907. 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. Conscience, Health and Honor. 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. Feminization in School and Home. 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. Psychology of Childhood as Related to Reading and the Public Library. 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1911. The Efficiency of Humanity: Commencement Address, Clark College, June 15, 1911. 1911
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1914. Some Psychological Aspects of Teaching Modern Languages. 1914
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1915. Anger as a Primary Emotion, and the Application of Freudian Mechanism to its Phenomena: Editorial Comment. 1915
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1916. Moral and Religious Education. 1916
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1916. How can Universities be so Organized as to Stimulate More Work for the Advancement of Science? 1916
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1921. Old Age. 1921
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1920. Introduction. 1920
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