OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
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Hall, Granville Stanley. 1883. The Contents of Children's Minds. 1883
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1883. Educational Needs. 1883
Hall, Granville Stanley and E. M. Hartwell. 1884. Bilateral Asymmetry of Function. 1884
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1884. Report of the Visiting Committee of the Alumni of Williams College: Presented July 1, 1884. Printed for Distribution. 1884
Hall, Granville Stanley and H.H. Donaldson. 1885. Motor Sensations on the Skin. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. A Study of Children's Collections. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. Methods of teaching history. 2d ed., entirely recast and rewritten. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. Introduction to Eva Channing's Translation of Pestalozzi's Leonard and Gertrude. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. Experimental Psychology. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. New Departures in Education. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. The New Psychology. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. Overpressure in Schools. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1885. Pedagogical Inquiry. 1885
Hall, Granville Stanley and Joseph Jastrow. 1886. Studies of Rhythm. 1886
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1886. How to teach reading, and what to read in school. 1886
Hall, Granville Stanley and John M. Mansfield. 1886. Hints toward a selected and descriptive bibliography of education. 1886
Hall, Granville Stanley and Yuzero Motora. 1887. Dermal Sensitiveness to Gradual Pressure Changes. 1887
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1887. Psychology: A review of the books on Psychology by McCosh, Bowne, Dewey and Ladd. 1887
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1887. Psychical Research: A review of the Proceedings of the English Society for Psychical Research from July, 1882, to May, 1887, and Gurney's Phantasmas of the Living. 1887
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1887. How to teach reading, and what to read in school. 1887
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1888. Introduction to H. W. Brown's Translation of Preyer's The senses and the Will: The Mind of the Children, Part I. 1888
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1888. The story of a Sand Pile. 1888
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1889-1899. Philosophy. 1889-1899
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1889-1899. Decennial Address. 1889-1899
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1889. Address Delivered at the Opening of Clark University, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 2, 1889. 1889
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