OPAC: Search Results (Full References)
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Searching for: "hall granville" . Display as Short Reference.
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1895. Laboratory of the McLean Hospital, Somerville, Mass. American Journal of Insanity 51: 358-364 1895
Hall, Granville Stanley and Henry P. Bowditch. 1882. Optical Illusions of Motions. Journal of Physiology 3: 297-307 1882
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. Recent Advances in Child Study. Pedagogical Seminary 15: 353-357 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1910. "The Chief End of Man". Current Literature 48: 528-531 1910
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1921. The Message of the Zeitgeist. Scientific Monthly 13: 105-116 1921
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1915. Address at Induction of H. C. Bumpus as President of Tufts College Graduate. Worcester Evening Gazette, June 12 1915
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1916. Foreword, with a Discussion of the Psychology of the Present War. In: The Problems and Lessons of the War, edited by G. H. Blakeslee, New York: Putnam 1916
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1900. The Ministry of Pictures. Perry Magazine 2: 243-245, 291-292, 339-340, 387-388 1900
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1893. Child Study: The Basis of Exact Education. Forum 16: 429-441 1893
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. Relation of the Church to Education. Pedagogical Seminary 15: 186-196 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1923. Jesus the Christ in the Light of Psychologie. London, New York: Appleton 1923
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1914. Home Education. In: Souvenirs de education familiale, 173-176. Paris: Lethellieux 1914
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1878. A Leap-Year Romance. Appleton's Journal, N. S. 5: 211-222, 319-330 1878
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1911. In Life's Drama Sex Plays the Leading Part. Sagamore Sociological Conference, June 28-30, 1911: 27-31 1911
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. Teens and Twenties (Advice to Girls): Letter. Woman's Home Companion 10: 29 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1894. Universities and the Training of Professors. Forum 17: 297-309 1894
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1910. Physical Training. Pedagogical Seminary 17: 491-496 1910
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1931. Adolescence: Its psychology and its relations to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion and education. London, New York: Appleton 1931
Hall, Granville Stanley and J. E. W. Wallin. 1902. How Children and Youth Think and Feel About Clouds. Pedagogical Seminary 9: 460-506 1902
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1965. Health, growth, and heredity. New York: Teachers College Press 1965
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. Plan of a Bureau of Childhood or Paidological Institute. Privately Printed 1908
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1909. Twentieth Anniversary of Clark University. Nation 89: 284-285 1909
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1903. Note on Cloud Fancies. Pedagogical Seminary 10: 96-100 1903
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1891. Educational Reforms. Pedagogical Seminary 1: 1-12 1891
Hall, Granville Stanley. 1908. From Generation to Generation: With Some Plain Language About Race Suicide and the Instruction of Children During Adolescence. American Magazine 66: 248-254 1908