
Richet, Charles, ed. 1895-1928. Dictionnaire de physiologie. 10 Vols. Paris: Alcan.

Note: The Dictionnaire has not been completed, the last volume no. 10 ends with the letters 'MO'.

Galien (by Héger, P.)
Gall (François- Joseph) (by Héger, P.)
Gall (noix de)- see Tanin [Referenced headword does not exist]
Galvani (Luigi) (by Héger, P. )
Galvanotaxie (Galvanotropisme) (by Mendelssohn, Maurice)
Galvanotropisme - see Galvanotaxie (Galvanotropisme) (by Mendelssohn, Maurice)
Gaulthérine et Gaulthérase (by Bourquelot. Éd.)
Gaz (by Nicloux)
Geissospermine - see Péreirine [Referenced headword does not exist]
Gélatine (by Perret, Aug.)
Génération (by Retterer, Ed.)
Génération spontanée (by Richet, Charles)
Gentianose (by Bourquelet, Émile)
Gentiopicrine (by Bourquelet, Émile)
Gentisin (by Bourquelet, Émile)
Géotropisme (Géotaxie) des animaux (by Mendelssohn, Maurice)
Germination (by Griffon, Ed.)
Gestation (by Pinard, A.)
Glairine ou Barégine (by Perret, Aug.)
Glandes (by Livon, Ch.)
Globules - see Hématies (by Nolf, P.)
Globulines (by Perret, Aug.)
Glosso-Pharyngien (Nerf.) (by Wetheimer, E.)
Glycérine (by Nicloux, Maurice)
Glycolyse (by Lépine, R.)
Glycoses (Chimie) (by Perret, Aug.)
Glycosides (by Hérrisey, Henri)
Goitre - see Thyroïde (corps.) [Referenced headword does not exist]
Gout (by Vaschide, N.)
Graisses (by Launois, P. E. et Meillére)
Graphique (Méthode) (by Pompilian, Mariette)
Graphique (méthode) - suite (by Pompilian, Mariette)
Greffe Animale (by Branca, Albert)