OPAC: Search Results (Short References)
Displaying records 1 thru 11 of 11 records found.
Searching for: "krogh" . Display as Full Reference.
Krogh, August. 1923. Determination of Standard (Basal) Metabolism of Patients by a Recording Apparatus. 1923
Krogh, Marie. 1913. Die Harnstoffbestimmung im Harn mit Natriumhypobromit. 1913
Krogh, August. 1930. Institute of Physiology, University of Copenhagen. 1930
Krogh, August. 1906-07. Über die Bildung freien Stickstoffes bei der Darmgärung. 1906-07
Krogh, August. 1904. Apparate und Methoden zur Bestimmung der Aufnahme von Gasen im Blute bei verschiedenen Spannungen der Gase: Nebst einer Normalcurve für die Sauerstoffaufnahme des Pferdeblutes bei Spannungen von 0 bis 150 mm. 1904
Krogh, August. 1906. Experimental researches on the expiration of free nitrogen from the body. 1906
Krogh, August. 1918-1919. The number and distribution of capillaries in muscle with calculations of the oxgen pressure head necessary for supplying the tissue. 1918-1919
Krogh, August and Marie Krogh. 1910. On the tensions of gases in the arterial blood. 1910
Krogh, August. 1919-1920. Studies of the capillariomotor mechanisme: I. The reaction to stimuli and the innervation of the blood. 1919-1920
Krogh, August. 1910. On the mechanism of the gas-exchange in the lungs. 1910
Krogh, August, Johannes Lindhard, Göran Liljestrand and Knud Gad Andresen. 1920. XXX. The relative value of fat and carbonhydrate as sources of muscular energy: With appendices on the correlation between standard metabolism and the respiratory quotient during rest and work. 1920
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