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Searching for: "sherrington" , 24 records found.

  1. Sherrington, Charles S. 1919. Exercise VIII, Arterial pressure and pulse: The effects of aortic stenosis and of aortic incompetence. Reduction power of the tissues as indicated by methylene-blue. In: Mammalian Physiology: A course of practical exercises, edited by C. S. Sherrington, 51-60. Oxford: The Clarendon Press
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  2. Sherrington, Charles S. 1895. On the anatomical constitution of nerves of skeletal muscles: With remarks on recurrent fibres in the ventral spinal nerve-root. The journal of physiology 17: 211-258
  3. C. S. Roy and Charles S. Sherrington. 1890. On the regulation of the blood-supply of the brain. The journal of physiology 11: 85-108
  4. Hering, Heinrich E. und Charles S. Sherrington. 1898-99. Ueber Hemmung der Contraction willkürlicher Muskeln bei elektrischer Reizung der Grosshirnrinde. Journal of Physiology 23: 31
  5. Sherrington, Charles S. 1905. Über das Zusammenwirken der Rückenmarksreflexe und das Prinzip der gemeinsamen Strecke. Ergebnisse der Physiologie 4: 815-890
  6. Sherrington, Charles S. 1896-1897. Cataleptoid reflexes in the monkey. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 60: 411-414
  7. Sherrington, Charles S. 1899. On the Spinal Animal (The Marshall Hall Lecture). Medico-Chirurgical Transactions 82: 449-477
  8. Sherrington, Charles S. 1905. On reciprocal innervation of antagonistic muscles: Seventh note. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 76: 160-163
  9. Sherrington, Charles S. 1901-1902. Observations on the physiology of the cerebral cortex of some of the higher apes (preliminary communication). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 69: 206-209
  10. Sherrington, Ch. S. 1898. Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution of the fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves, Part II. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 190: 45-186
  11. Sherrington, Charles S. 1906. The integrative action of the nervous system. New York: C. Sribner's sons
  12. Langley, John Newport and Charles S. Sherrington. 1891. On Pilomotor Nerves. Journal of Physiology 12: 278-291
  13. Sherrington, Charles S. 1910. Flexion-reflex of the limb, crossed extension-reflex, and reflex stepping and standing. The journal of physiology 40: 28-121
  14. Sherrington, Charles S. 1901-1902. Observations on the physiology of the cerebral cortex of some of the higher apes (preliminary communication). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 69: 206-209
  15. Sherrington, Charles S. 1913. Reflex Inhibition as a Factor in the Co-ordination of Movements and Postures. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology 6: 251-310
  16. Sherrington, Charles S. 1898. Experiments in examination of the peripheral distribution of fibres of the posterior roots of some spinal nerves: Part II. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 190: 45-186
  17. Sherrington, Charles S. and A. S. Grünbaum. 1903-1904. Observations on the physiology of the cerebral cortex of the anthropoid apes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 72: 152-155
  18. Sherrington, Charles S. 1904. The Correlation of Reflexes and the Principle of the Common Path. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 74: 1-14
  19. Sherrington, Charles S. 1892-1893. Note on the knee-jerk and the correlation of action of antagonistic muscles. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 52: 556-564
  20. Sherrington, Charles S. 1898. Decerebrate Rigidity, and Reflex Co-ordination of Movements. Journal of Physiology 22: 319-332
  21. Hering, Heinrich E. und Charles S. Sherrington. 1897. Ueber Hemmung der Contraction willkürlicher Muskeln bei elektrischer Reizung der Grosshirnrinde. Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 68: 222-228
  22. Tozer, Francis M. and C. S. Sherrington. 1910. Receptors and afferents of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves. Folia neuro-biologica 4: 626-633
  23. R. S. Woodworth and Charles S. Sherrington. 1904. A pseudaffective reflex and its spinal path. The journal of physiology 31: 234-243
  24. Sherrington, Charles S. and E. G. T. Liddell. 1924. Reflexes in response to stretch (myotatic reflexes). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 96: 212-242