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Library Search Results

Searching for: Evans, Rand. Department of Psychology, East Carolina University: Trade Catalogues , 81 records found.

  1. Anonymous. 1894. List of Apparatus for the Psychological Laboratory, Designed by Joseph Jastrow, Ph.D., Professor of Experimental and Comparative Psychology in the University of Wisconsin, Made by the Garden City Model Works, 124 Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. Chicago (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  2. Anonymous. 1895. Weston Electrical Instrument Company, Waverly Park, Newark, N.J., U.S.A., Bulletin No 1. New York: The Orr Company (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  3. Anonymous. 1895. Prang's Standard Colors: For the Use of Teachers, Designers, Manufactures, Merchants, and Others who have Need of Standards of Colors. Chicago (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  4. Anonymous. 1899. Michigan Apparatus Company: Supplement to Catalogue. Ann Arbor (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  5. Anonymous. 1902. The Chicago Laboratory Supply and Scale Company: List of Apparatus and Materials for Experiments Described in the Laboratory Manual of Psychology, Vol. 1 by Prof. Edward Bradford Titchener, Cornell University. Chicago (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  6. Anonymous. 1904. The von Nardroff Color Apparatus: A New Attachment for the Projection Latern for the Study of Color Phenomena. Saint Louis (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  7. Anonymous. 1920. Cambridge Physiological Instruments: Booklet No. V, Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd. England (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  8. Anonymous. 1930. The Harvard Apparatus Company (Incorporated): Organized for the Advancement of Laboratory Teaching in Physiology and Allied Sciences. Norwood, Mass.: The Plimpton Press (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  9. Anonymous. 1930. Psychological Equipment: Catalog No. 48, Marietta Company, Marietta, Ohio. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  10. Anonymous. 1930. Marietta Apparatus Company: Psychological Equipment, Marietta, Ohio, II. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  11. Anonymous. 1984. Catalogue de l'exposition allemande d'instruments d'optique et de mécanique de précision. Reprint. Paris: Éditions Alain Brieux (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  12. Anonymous. n. d. Phipps and Bird Inc.: Apparatus for Experimental Work and Research in Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology, Experimental Therapeutics and Related Subjects. Richmond (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  13. Anonymous. n. d. The Chicago Laboratory Supply and Scale Co.: List of Psychological Apparatus. Reprint from our 1900 Catalogue. Chicago (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  14. Anonymous. n. d. Ziegler Electric Company: Electrically Actuated Pendulum. Boston (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  15. Anonymous. n. d. Cambridge Instrument Company, Inc.: Cambridge Physical Instruments. New York (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  16. Anonymous. n. d. The Chicago Laboratory Supply and Scale Co.: Partial List of Physiological and Psychological Apparatus. Reprint from our 1901 Catalogue. Chicago (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  17. Appunn, Anton. 1898-1899. Specialitäten, die in dem akustischen Institut von Anton Appunn in Hanau a. M. Nürnbergerstrasse 12 angefertigt werden. Hanau: J. G. Kittsteiner (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  18. Appunn, Anton. n. d. Spezialitäten, welche in dem akustischen Institut von Anton Appunn in Hanau a. M. Nürnbergerstrasse 12 angefertigt werden. Hanau: J. G. Kittsteiner (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  19. Appunn, Anton. n. d. Specialitäten, die in dem akustischen Institut von Anton Appunn in Hanau a. M. Nürnbergerstrasse 12 angefertigt werden. Hanau: J. G. Kittsteiner (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  20. Appunn, Anton. n. d. Specialitäten, welche in dem akustischen Institut von Anton Appunn in Hanau a. M. Nürnbergerstrasse 12 angefertigt werden. Hanau: J. G. Kittsteiner (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  21. Auzoux. 1883. Anatomie Clastique du Docteur Auzoux. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  22. Auzoux. 1884. Anatomie Clastique du Docteur Auzoux: Tableau synoptique des circonvolutions et anfractuosités du cerveau. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  23. Auzoux. 1886. Anatomie Clastique du Docteur Auzoux: Tableau synoptique de l'oeil complet de très grande dimension. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  24. Auzoux. 1887. Anatomie Clastique du Docteur Auzoux. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  25. Auzoux. 1893. Anatomie Clastique du Docteur Auzoux: Oreille de très grande dimension. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  26. Auzoux. 1894. Anatomie Clastique du Docteur Auzoux. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  27. Auzoux. n. d. Anatomie Clastique du Docteur Auzoux: Cerveau de texture de tres-grande dimension. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  28. Biddle, James G. [Including Willyoung]. 1896. Abridged Catalogue of Electrical Measuring Instruments and other Scientific Apparatus: Catalogue 175. Philadelphia (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  29. Biddle, James G. [Including Willyoung]. 1898. Supplementary Catalogue of Psychological and Physiogogical Apparatus: Incorporated with Catalogue issued in 1895. Philadelphia (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  30. Biddle, James G. [Including Willyoung]. 1899. New Apparatus at Special Prices. Philadelphia (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  31. Brändli, J. 1897. Prospect: Neues Aesthesiomenter nach Professor Dr. med. und phil. H. Griesbach. Basel (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  32. Brown, J. D. 1890. A Catalogue, Descriptive and Photographical, of Philosophical Instruments, Devised by James McK. Cattell, Professor of Experimental Psychology, Columbia College, etc., Manufactured by J. D. Brown, No. 618 North Sixth Street, Cambden, N. J. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  33. Castagna, Ludwig. 1906. Spezial-Prospekt Physiologisch-graphischer Apparate. Wien: Physiologisches Institut (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  34. Castagna, Ludwig. n. d. Neuramöbimeter nach Hofrath Prof. Dr. Sigm. Exner und Prof. Dr. H. Obersteiner. Wien (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  35. Diederichs, Carl. 1895. Preisverzeichnis über wissenschaftliche Präcisions-Instrumente zu psychologischen Untersuchungen von Carl Diederichs in Göttingen. Göttingen (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  36. Edelmann, Th. M. 1895. Illustrirtes Verzeichniss Nr. III. der medizinischen Präcisionsapparate construirt und verfertigt in dem Physikalisch-mechanischen Institut von Dr. M. Th. Edelmann. München (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  37. Elbs, Hermann. 1895. Abzug der Instrumente. Freiburg (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  38. Groves, W. n. d. Prices of Anthropometric Apparatus Designed by Francis Galton, F.R.S. London (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  39. Horstmann, E. 1899. Psychological Apparatus. New York: Psychological Laboratory of Columbia University (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  40. Horstmann, E. 1904. List of Psychological Apparatus. New York: Psychological Laboratory of Columbia University (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  41. James W. Queen & Company. 1883. Abridged Catalogue of Optical Instruments, Mathematical Instruments, Physical Apparatus, Meteorological Instruments. Philadelphia, PA (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  42. Jaquet, James. n. d. Jaquet Apparatus: Catalogue 503. Basle (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  43. Jung, R. n. d. Preis-Verzeichnis der Instrumente und Apparate von R. Jung. Heidelberg (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  44. Kagenaar, D. B. 1895. Allgemeiner Registier-Apparat (Kymographion): Verfertigt von D. B. Kagenaar, seit 1860 Mechamiker und Amanuensis am Physiologischen Laboratorium der Reichs-Universität in Utrecht (Holland). Utrecht (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  45. Kagenaar, D. B. 1895. Pansphygmograph nach Dr. P. Q. Brondgeest: Verfertigt von D. B. Kagenaar, seit 1860 Mechaniker am Physiologischen Laboratorium der Utrechtschen Reichs-Universität. Utrecht (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  46. Kagenaar, D. B. 1895. Ein neues Chronoskop für das Registrieren der chronographischen Kurven auf dem allgemeinen Registrierapparat (Kymographion). Utrecht (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  47. Knott, L. E. 1921. L. E. Knott Apparatus Company: Scientific Instruments, Catalogue 26. Boston (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  48. Majer, F. 1888. Physiologische Apparate. Strassburg (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  49. Meyrowitz, E. B. n. d. Illustrated Description of the Javal-Schiötz Ophthalmometer: Taken from the Last Chapter of the New Edition of Dr. Valk's "Errors of Refraction". New York: The Knickerbocker Press (Collection Rand B. Evans)
  50. Palmer, C. F. 1934. Palmer Research and Students' Apparatus for Physiology, Pharmacology, Psychology, Bacteriology, Phonetics, Botany, etc.: Manufactured by C. F. Palmer (London) Ltd., Myographic Works, 63a, Effra Road, Brixton, London, S.W. 2. England. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  51. Petzold. W. 1895. Sphygmograph mit Zeitregistrirung nach Prof. v. Frey. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  52. Petzold, Wilhelm. 1891. Preis-Verzeichniss der Werkstätte für Präcisions-Mechanik von Wilh. Petzold: Abtheilung der Instrumente und Apparate für physiologische Experimente und Vivisectionen. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  53. Petzold, Wilhelm. 1894. Nachtrag zum Preis-Verzeichniss der Werkstätte für Präcisions-Mechanik von Wilh. Petzold. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  54. Pye, W. G. 1902. W. G. Pye & Co.: Physical and Physiological Instrument Makers, "Granta Works", Mill Lane, Cambridge, England. Cambridge (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  55. Rothe, Rudolf. 1893. Specialitäten physiologischer Apparate: Preliminary catalog. Prag: Hofbuchdruckerei A. Haase (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  56. Stoelting, C. H. 1930. Apparatus, Tests and Supplies for Psychology, Psychometry, Psychotechnology, Psychiatry, Neurology, Anthropology, Phonetics, Physiology, and Pharmacology. Chicago (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  57. Stoelting, C. H. 1931. Tests for Color Perception, Visual and Auditory Acuity: Used in Railway, Miltary and Marine Services, also in the Arts and Sciences, for Research, Experimentation, Educational and Vocational Guidance. Chicago: C. H. Stoelting Co. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  58. Stoelting, C. H. 1937. Psychological and Physiological Apparatus and Supplies: Supplement. Chicago (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  59. The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. 1887. A descriptive list of anthropometric apparatus, consisting of instruments for measuring and testing the chief physical characteristics of the human body. Designed under the direction of Mr. Francis Galton. Cambridge (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  60. The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. 1899. Physiological Instruments. Cambridge (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  61. Titchener, Edward B. 1895. Photographic Album on Psychological Instruments. 59 Photographs. (Collection Rand B. Evans - all rights reserved)
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  62. Verdin, Charles. 1882. Catalogue des instruments de précision servant en physiologie et en médecine construits par Charles Verdin. Chateauroux (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  63. Verdin, Charles. n. d. Catalogue des Instruments de Précision construits par Charles Verdin. Paris (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  64. White, Otis C. 1895. Sectional-Ball Joints and Compound Swiveling Cone Joints For Physiological and Laboratory Use. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  65. Willyoung, Elmer G. 1895. Price List of Psychological and Physiological Instruments and Apparatus. Philadelphia (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  66. Willyoung, Elmer G. 1895. Illustrated Price List of Psychological Apparatus for the new Chautauqua Book "Thinking, Feeling, Doing" by Dr. E. W. Scripture. Philadelphia (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  67. Zimmermann, E. 1894. Preis-Verzeichniss über Apparate zu psychologischen u. physiologischen Experimenten. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  68. Zimmermann, E. 1895. Liste XII, September 1895: Sphygmograph nach Prof. v. Frey. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  69. Zimmermann, E. 1895. Liste XI, 1895: Neuer Rotationsapparat nach Dr. Marbe. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  70. Zimmermann, E. 1896. Liste XIII, August 1896: Rotationsapparat für Farbscheiben. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  71. Zimmermann, E. 1900. Psychologische und physiologische Apparate, Mikrotome. Leipzig: Fr. Richter (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  72. Zimmermann, E. 1900. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate, Mikrotome. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  73. Zimmermann, E. 1902. Apparat zur Untersuchung der Auffassungsfähigkeit, Association und des Gedächtnisses. Leipzig: Hallberg & Büchting (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  74. Zimmermann, E. 1902. Juni 1902: Neuer vereinfachter Registrier-Apparat (Kymographion). Leipzig: Hallberg & Büchting (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  75. Zimmermann, E. 1904. Apparate zu experimental-psychologischen Untersuchungen nach Angaben des Herrn Prof. Dr. Sommer. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  76. Zimmermann, E. 1905. Kehlton-Schreiber nach F. Krueger und W. Wirth. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  77. Zimmermann, E. 1905. Polygraph: Einfacher Registrierapparat für Puls-, Atem-, Herzspitzenstoss- und Muskelermüdungs-Versuche. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  78. Zimmermann, E. 1905. Sphygmanometer nach Riva-Rocci. Leipzig: Hallberg & Büchting (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  79. Zimmermann, E. 1928, ca. Apparate für Psychologie, Pädagogik, Physiologie, Psychotechnik, Mikrotome. Leipzig: Hermann Heine & Co. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  80. Zimmermann, E. 1928. Psychologische und Physiologische Apparate: Liste 50. Leipzig & Berlin (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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  81. Zimmermann, E. n. d. Preislisten-Nachtrag über einige im Sommer 1894 neu construirte Apparate. Leipzig (Collection Rand B. Evans)
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