The Virtual Laboratory

Library Search Results

Searching for: "burdon" , 8 records found.

  1. Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott, E. Klein, Michael Foster and T. Lauder Brunton. 1873. Handbook for the physiological laboratory. Plates. London: J. & A. Churchill
    online version:
  2. Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott, E. Klein, Michael Foster and T. Lauder Brunton. 1873. Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory. Text. London
    online version:
  3. Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott. 1870. Introductory Report on the Intimate Pathology of Contagion. Twelfth Report of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council [1869], Parliamentary Papers: 229-256
  4. Burdon-Sanderson, John. 1873. Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory. London: Churchill
  5. Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott. 1875. Remarks in the Discussion on the Germ Theory of Disease. Transactions of the Pathological Society 26: 284-289
  6. Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott. 1875. The Occurrence of Organic Forms in Connection with Contagious and Infective Diseases. British Medical Journal 1: 69-71, 199-201, 403-405, 435-437
  7. Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott and Page, Frederick James. 1879-1880. On the time-relations of the excitatory process in the ventricle of the heart of the frog. The journal of physiology 2: 384-435
  8. Burdon-Sanderson, John Scott. 1882. On the Electromotive Properties of the Leaf of Dionaea in the Excited and Unexcited States [1881]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 173: 1-55