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Library Search Results

Searching for: "brown" , 18 records found.

  1. Scripture, E. W., Smith, Theodate L. and Brown, Emily M. 1894. On the education of muscular control and power. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 2: 114-119
    online version:
  2. Brown, J. D. 1890. A Catalogue, Descriptive and Photographical, of Philosophical Instruments, Devised by James McK. Cattell, Professor of Experimental Psychology, Columbia College, etc., Manufactured by J. D. Brown, No. 618 North Sixth Street, Cambden, N. J. (Collection Rand B. Evans)
    online version:
  3. Brown, T. Graham. 1915. Studies in the physiology of the nervous system, XXII: On the phenomenon of facilitation, 1: Its occurence in reactions induced by stimulation of the "motor" cortex of the cerebrum in monkeys. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology 9: 81-99
    online version:
  4. Brown-Séquard, Charles-Edouard. 1855. Experimental and Clinical Researches on the Physiology and Pathology of the Spinal Cord and some Other Parts of the Nervous Centres. Richmond: Colin & Nowlan [part of: Müller Library]
  5. Brown-Séquard, Ch. E. 1862. Remarques sur l'action du nerf vague sur le coeur. Journal de la physiologie de l'homme et des animaux 5: 295-296
  6. Brown-Séquard, Charles-Edouard. 1852. Experimental researches applied to physiology and pathology. Philadelphia Medical Examiner 8: 481-504
  7. Brown, Richard. 1829. Mikroskopische Beobachtungen, welche in den Monaten Juni - August 1827 gemacht worden, über die Theilchen, welche im Pollen der Pflanzen enthalten sind. Nürnberg: Riegel &Wießner [part of: Müller Library]
  8. Crum Brown, A. 1874. The Sense of Rotation and the Anatomy and Physiology of the Semicircular Canals of the Internal Ear. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 8: 327-331
  9. McLennan-Brown, Lisa. 2005. The Feminism and Legal Theory Project: Celebrating Twenty Years of Feminist Pedagogy, Praxis and Prisms: Feminist Theory and the Erosion of Women's Reproductive Rights: The Implications of Fetal Personhood Laws and In Vitro Fertilization [Symposium]. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 13: 87
  10. Brown, John. 1803. The Elements of Medicine. Portsmouth: William & Daniel Treadwell
  11. Brownsword, Roger. 2005. Stem Cells and Cloning: Where the Regulatory Consensus Fails. New England Law Review 39: 535
  12. Brown-Séquard, Ch. E. 1850. Mémoire sur la transmission des impressions sensitives dans la moelle épinière. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences 31: 700-701
  13. Brown, T. Graham. 1915. Studies in the physiology of the nervous system, XXIII: On the phenomenon of facilitation, 2: Its occurence in response to subliminal cortical stimuli in monkeys. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology 9: 101-130
  14. Brown-Séquard, Charles-Edouard. 1851. De la survie des batraciens et des tortures après l'ablation de leur moelle allongée. Gazette médicale de Paris 6: 476-477
  15. Hall, Granville Stanley and C.E. Browne. 1904. The Cat and the Child. Pedagogical Seminary 11: 3-29
  16. Hall, Granville Stanley and C. E. Browne. 1903. Children's Ideas of Fire, Heat, Frost and Cold. Pedagogical Seminary 10: 27-85
  17. Brown, T. Graham. 1914-1915. On the effect of artificial stimulation of the red nucleus in the anthropoid ape. The journal of physiology 49: 185-194
  18. Roy, C. S. und Graham Brown. 1878. Ueber eine neue Methode, den Blutdruck in den kleinsten Arterien, Venen und in den Capillaren zu messen. Archiv für Physiologie: 158-161