The Virtual Laboratory

Library Search Results

Searching for: "seashore" , 15 records found.

  1. Seashore, Carl E. 1942. The Psychological Laboratory. In: Pioneering in Psychology, 6-37. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press
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  2. Seashore, C. E. 1896. Influence of the Rate of Change upon the Perception of Differences in Pressure and Weight. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 4: 27-61
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  3. Seashore, C. E. 1895. Measurements of Illusions and Hallucinations in Normal Life. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 3: 1-67
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  4. Seashore, C.E. 1892-1893. On Monocular Accommodation-Time. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 1: 56-70
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  5. Seashore, Carl E. 1938. Psychology of Music. New York, London: McGraw-Hill
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  6. Seashore, C. E. 1896. Weber's Law in Illusions. Studies from the Yale Psychological Laboratory 4: 62-68
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  7. Seashore, C. E. 1899. New Psychological Apparatus, II: An audiometer. Studies in Psychology from the University of Iowa 2: 158-163
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  8. Seashore, C. E. 1905. Die Aufmerksamkeitsschwankungen. Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane 39: 448-450
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  9. Seashore, C. E. 1902. A Voice Tonoscope. University of Iowa Studies in Psychology 3: 18-28
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  10. Seashore, Carl Emil. 1947. In search of beauty in music: a scientific approach to musical esthetics. New York: Ronald Press
  11. Seashore, Carl Emil. 1908. Elementary experiments in psychology. New York
  12. Seashore, Carl Emil. 1918. Psychology in daily life. New York: Appleton
  13. Seashore, Carl E. 1942. Pioneering in Psychology. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press
  14. Seashore, Carl Emil. 1919. The psychology of musical talent. Boston, New York, etc.: Silver, Burdett and Company
  15. Seashore, Carl Emil. 1923. Introduction to psychology. New York: The Macmillan Company